Function Name Description
getMigrationEffortPointsForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an int containing the effort estimate for this file. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortForFile)
getArchivesBySHA1 Takes a single String parameter (SHA1 Hash) and returns an Iterable of ArchiveModel instances with the given Hash (Implemented by:
getAllFreeMarkerDirectives This method takes no parameters, and returns a List of hashes containing a 'name', 'class', and 'description' field. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetAllFreeMarkerDirectivesMethod)
generateGUID Generates a unique identifier as a String. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GenerateGUIDMethod)
projectModelToApplicationIndex Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated ApplicationReportIndexModel. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.ProjectModelToApplicationIndexMethod)
getProblemSummaries Returns a summary of all classification and hints found during analysis in the form of a List. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.problemsummary.GetProblemSummariesMethod)
projectModelToSha1 Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated ApplicationReportIndexModel. (Implemented by:
effortPointsToCssClass Converts from effort points to a CSS class (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.EffortPointsToCssClass)
isRulePhase Returns true if the passed in object is an instance of RulePhase. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.IsRulePhaseMethod)
getEffortDescriptionForPoints Given a number of points, return a short textual description (eg, Trivial or Complex). (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortDescriptionForPoints)
formatRule Takes a Rule as a paremeter and formats it into multiple rows for display. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.FormatRule)
getEffortCountForProjectBySeverity Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns Map where the key is the Severity and the value is the number of incidents of that severity. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortCountForProjectBySeverityMethod)
findFilesNotClassifiedOrHinted Takes an Iterable as a parameter and returns the files that have neither ClassificationModels nor InlineHintModels associated with them. (Implemented by:
getEffortDetailsForProject Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns Map where the key is the effort level and the value is the number of incidents at that particular level of effort. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetEffortDetailsForProjectMethod)
getPrettyPathForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and either the qualified name (if it is a Java file) or the path within the file's project. (Implemented by:
markdownToHtml Converts from an input string in Markdown format to an output string in HTML format (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.MarkdownToHtmlMethod)
groupHints Takes an Iterable of Hints and returns map that groups hint messages to number of occurences (Implemented by:
getRuleExecutionResults Takes a parameter of type AbstractRuleProvider and returns a List containing metadata related to the current Windup execution. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.GetRuleExecutionResults)
fileModelToSourceReport Takes a FileModel as a parameter, and returns the related SourceReportModel (or null if none is available). (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.FileModelToSourceReportModelMethod)
isReportableFile Takes a FileModel and a set of tags to include and exclude as parameters, and whether or not this file should appear in overview reports (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.IsReportableFile)
getTechnologyTagsForProject Takes a ProjectModel as a parameter and returns an Iterable containing the technology tags for this project (and all subprojects). (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTechnologyTagsForProject)
getPrettyPathForFileWithExtensions Takes a FileModel as a parameter and either the qualified name (if it is a Java file) or the path within the file's project. (Implemented by:
getTagsFromFileClassificationsAndHints Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an Set containing the tags from the classifications associated with the provided this file. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTagsFromFileClassificationsAndHints)
iterableHasContent Takes an Iterable as a parameter and checks to see whether items exist in the Iterable. (Implemented by:
projectModelToOrganizations Takes a parameter of type ProjectModel and returns the associated OrganizationModels. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.ProjectModelToOrganizationsMethod)
getAllRuleProviders Takes no parameters and returns a List containing all loaded Rule Providers. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.ruleexecution.GetAllRuleProviders)
getAllFreeMarkerMethods This method takes no parameters, and returns a List of hashes containing a 'name', 'description', and 'class' field. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetAllFreeMarkerMethodsMethod)
sortProjectsByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortProjectsByPathMethod)
sortFilesByPathAscending Takes an Iterable and returns them, ordered alphabetically. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.SortFilesByPathMethod)
getTechnologyTagsForFile Takes a FileModel as a parameter and returns an Iterable containing the technology tags for this file. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.GetTechnologyTagsForFile)
findSourceFilesByClassName Finds all JavaSourceFileModels for the given fully qualified class name (Implemented by:
Directive Name Description render_linkable Takes the following parameters: LinkableModel (a LinkableModel) (Implemented by: render_link Takes the following parameters: FileModel (a FileModel) (Implemented by: render_pie Renders a pie chart. Takes the following parameters: project (a ProjectModel), recursive (Boolean), and elementid (HTML ID of the element in which to render). (Implemented by:
org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.WriteToDiskDirective write_to_disk Writes the contents of the directive to disk (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.WriteToDiskDirective)
org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.RenderRuleLinkDirective render_rule_link Renders a link to the Rule with the specified ID in the Rule Provider report. (Implemented by: org.jboss.windup.reporting.freemarker.RenderRuleLinkDirective)