Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence countComputing...
Deploying log4j.jar can result in non-deterministic ClassLoading issues. It is recommended to use the built-in JBoss EAP Log4j module configured via `jboss-deployment-structure.xml` |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
LogEventTopic-jms.xml | jms configuration weblogic | WebLogic JMS Descriptor | 3 |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/weblogic-application.xml | weblogic webservice |
Warnings: 2 items
1 |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-app/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-app/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/unparsable/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/unparsable/pom.xml | Unparsable XML File | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/NonParsable.xml | Unparsable XML File | 0 | |
META-INF/ejb-jar.xml | EJB XML 2.1 | EJB XML | 0 |
META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml | WebLogic EJB XML | WebLogic EJB XML | 0 |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-services/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-services/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
com.acme.anvil.listener.AnvilWebLifecycleListener | Decompiled Java File lifecycle catchall jmx configuration weblogic jndi |
Warnings: 22 items
16 |
com.acme.anvil.listener.AnvilWebStartupListener | Decompiled Java File catchall jmx configuration startup weblogic jndi logging webservice |
Warnings: 24 items
25 |
com.acme.anvil.service.ItemLookup | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ItemLookupBean | Decompiled Java File catchall |
Warnings: 3 items
0 |
com.acme.anvil.service.ItemLookupHome | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ItemLookupLocal | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ItemLookupLocalHome | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ProductCatalog | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ProductCatalogBean | Decompiled Java File weblogic logging |
Warnings: 7 items
7 |
com.acme.anvil.service.ProductCatalogHome | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ProductCatalogLocal | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.ProductCatalogLocalHome | Decompiled Java File | 0 | |
com.acme.anvil.service.jms.LogEventPublisher | Decompiled Java File catchall jms configuration weblogic jndi transactions |
Warnings: 15 items
14 |
com.acme.anvil.service.jms.LogEventSubscriber | Decompiled Java File | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/ejb-jar.xml | EJB XML 2.1 | EJB XML | 0 |
META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml | WebLogic EJB XML |
Warnings: 2 items
0 |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-services2/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-services2/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
WEB-INF/web.xml | Web XML 2.4 | Web XML | 0 |
WEB-INF/weblogic.xml | WebLogic Web XML web-app weblogic | WebLogic Web Application Descriptor | 3 |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-web/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.windup.example/jee-example-web/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
com.acme.anvil.AnvilWebServlet | Decompiled Java File jndi | Call of JNDI lookup | 1 |
com.acme.anvil.AuthenticateFilter | Decompiled Java File catchall security weblogic logging |
Warnings: 10 items
8 |
com.acme.anvil.LoginFilter | Decompiled Java File weblogic logging |
Warnings: 5 items
5 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/LICENSE.txt | Apache License 2.0 | 0 | |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/NOTICE.txt | Unknown License | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.migration.support/migration-support/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.migration.support/migration-support/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | Manifest | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.migration.support/migration-support/pom.properties | Properties | 0 | |
META-INF/maven/org.migration.support/migration-support/pom.xml | Maven XML | Maven POM | 0 |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Story Points
Java Incidents by Package |
Technologies found - occurrence count |
Name | Technology | Issues | Story Points |