Phase: DependentPhase

Phase: InitializationPhase


Phase: InitializationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
IgnoredArchivesConfigLoadingRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform( .IgnoredArchivesConfigLoadingRuleProvider$1@56bade54 ) withId("IgnoredArchivesConfigLoadingRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitializationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform( .ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider$AddDelimitedFileIndexOperation@1d e614f7 ) withId("ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider_2 addRule() .perform( .ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider$AddLuceneFileIndexOperation@60b67 02e ) withId("ArchiveIdentificationConfigLoadingRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitializationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.mavenize .RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider$2@47962a49 ) withId("RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider_2 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.mavenize .RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider$1@21fb98a1 ) withId("RegisterApiPackagesInTypeInterestFactoryRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitializationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CopyJavaConfigToGraphRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform( .CopyJavaConfigToGraphRuleProvider$1@5ff34779 ) withId("CopyJavaConfigToGraphRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 10
Edges Created: 9
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitializationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
GatherIgnoredFileNamesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Gather all the information about ignored files.) ) withId("GatherIgnoredFileNamesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: DiscoveryPhase


Phase: DiscoveryPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverFilesAndTypesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .gremlin() .DiscoverFilesAndTypesRuleProvider$ ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(RecurseDirectoryAndAddFiles) ) withId("DiscoverFilesAndTypesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
DiscoverFilesAndTypesRuleProvider_2 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.FileModel).gremlin() .has(isDirectory,EQUALS,false).has(filePath,REGEX,.+\ .\b(|rar|sar|ear|war|jar)\b$).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(AddArchiveReferenceInformation) ) withId("DiscoverFilesAndTypesRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: ArchiveExtractionPhase


Phase: ArchiveExtractionPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
UnzipArchivesToOutputRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).gremlin()org.jboss .windup.config.query.Query$ ) .perform(Perform.all(Iteration.over(?).perform(Perform .all(UnzipArchiveToOutputFolder, IterationProgress{msg=Unzipped archive, int=1, e st=true}, Commit.every(1)))) ) withId("UnzipArchivesToOutputRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 287
Edges Created: 590
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: ArchiveMetadataExtractionPhase


Phase: ArchiveMetadataExtractionPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverArchiveTypesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ConfigureArchiveTypes) ) withId("DiscoverArchiveTypesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ArchiveMetadataExtractionPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverArchiveManifestFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(DiscoverManifestFilesInArchives) ) withId("DiscoverArchiveManifestFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 18
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ArchiveMetadataExtractionPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverArchiveLicenseFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(DiscoverArchiveLicenseFiles) ) withId("DiscoverArchiveLicenseFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
FileMapping_.*\.java$_sP addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.java$).to([interface org.jboss]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.java$).to([interface org.jboss]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.java$_sP")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.class$_fH addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.class$).to([interface org]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.class$).to([interface org]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.class$_fH")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverOrganizationByPackageStructureProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'default_instance') ) withId("DiscoverOrganizationByPackageStructureProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 3
Edges Created: 11
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
IndexJavaSourceFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(AttachJavaSourceInformationToGraph.and(Commit .every(100)) .and(IterationProgress{msg=Index Java Source Files, int=250, est=true})) ) withId("IndexJavaSourceFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverPropertiesFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.FileModel).gremlin() .has(isDirectory,EQUALS,false).has(filePath,REGEX,.*\.properties$).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover Properties Files) ) withId("DiscoverPropertiesFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 8
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
FileMapping_.*\.jsp$_qN addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jsp$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JspSourceFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jsp$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JspSourceFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.jsp$_qN")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.jspx$_7W addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jspx$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JspSourceFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jspx$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JspSourceFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.jspx$_7W")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ClassifyFileTypesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
FileMapping_.*\.xml$_pE addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xml$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xml$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.xml$_pE")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.xmi$_HD addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xmi$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xmi$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.xmi$_HD")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.jsf$_1d addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jsf$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.jsf$).to([interface org.jboss .windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.jsf$_1d")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.xhtml$_Gy addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xhtml$).to([interface org .jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.FileMapping.from(.*\.xhtml$).to([interface org .jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel]) ) withId("FileMapping_.*\.xhtml$_Gy")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
DiscoverXmlFilesRuleProvider_5 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(IndexXmlFilesMetadata) ) withId("DiscoverXmlFilesRuleProvider_5")
Vertices Created: 9
Edges Created: 19
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase


Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverMavenProjectsRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,pom.xml).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ScanMavenProject) ) withId("DiscoverMavenProjectsRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 39
Edges Created: 526
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverNonMavenArchiveProjectsRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).when(ProjectModel == null).perform(ScanAsNonMavenProject .and(IterationProgress{msg=Checking for non-Maven archive, int=1, est=true})) ) withId("DiscoverNonMavenArchiveProjectsRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 4
Edges Created: 116
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverNonMavenSourceProjectsRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(ScanAsNonMavenProject ) withId("DiscoverNonMavenSourceProjectsRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverAdditionalProjectDetails_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'default_instance') ) withId("DiscoverAdditionalProjectDetails_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DiscoverProjectStructurePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverMavenHierarchyRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ConfigureProjectHierarchy) ) withId("DiscoverMavenHierarchyRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 6
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: DecompilationPhase


Phase: DependentPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Mavenize-BOM-data-collection addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.mavenize.MavenizeRuleProvider$1@7bfc9464 ) withId("Mavenize-BOM-data-collection")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 1
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
Mavenize-BOM-file-creation addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .IdentifiedArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?) .perform(MavenizePutNewerVersionToGlobalBomOperation with var 'default_instance') ) withId("Mavenize-BOM-file-creation")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
Mavenize-projects-mavenization addRule() .when(And.all(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(default), ) .perform(Iteration.over(?) .perform(MavenizeApplicationOperation with var 'default_instance') ) withId("Mavenize-projects-mavenization")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DecompilationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
BeforeDecompileClassesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .gremlin().has(parseError,NOT_DEFINED,null).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ClassFilePreDecompilationScan) ) withId("BeforeDecompileClassesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 67
Edges Created: 221
Vertices Removed: 44
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: DecompilationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DecompileClassesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when( ) .perform( .DecompileClassesRuleProvider$DecompileCondition@43fedcd4 ) withId("DecompileClassesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 23
Edges Created: 220
Vertices Removed: 23
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
DecompileClassesRuleProvider_2 addRule() .when( ) .perform( ) withId("DecompileClassesRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
AnalyzeJavaFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(ParseJavaSource ) withId("AnalyzeJavaFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 118
Edges Created: 118
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverHibernateMappingRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.DoctypeMetaModel) .gremlin()org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.rules .DiscoverHibernateMappingRuleProvider$ ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover hibernate.hbm.xml files) ) withId("DiscoverHibernateMappingRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereWsClientBindingXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-webservices-ext.xmi) .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,WsExtension) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebSphere Web Service Binding XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereWsClientBindingXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverSpringConfigurationFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,beans).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover Spring Config Files) ) withId("DiscoverSpringConfigurationFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereWsExtBindingXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi) .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,WSBinding) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebSphere Web Service Extension XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereWsExtBindingXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
AnalyzeJSPFileRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JspSourceFileModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ParseSourceOperation with var 'null') ) withId("AnalyzeJSPFileRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverJBossJbpmProcessFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,process-definition).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover JBoss EJB XML Files) ) withId("DiscoverJBossJbpmProcessFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverHibernateConfigurationRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.DoctypeMetaModel) .gremlin()org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.rules .DiscoverHibernateConfigurationRuleProvider$ ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover hibernate.cfg.xml files) ) withId("DiscoverHibernateConfigurationRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereWsBindingXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi) .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,ClientBinding).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebSphere Web Service Binding XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereWsBindingXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverEjbConfigurationXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,ejb-jar).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover EJB-JAR XML Files) ) withId("DiscoverEjbConfigurationXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 9
Edges Created: 48
Vertices Removed: 1
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverJpaConfigurationXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.NamespaceMetaModel) .gremlin().has(namespaceURI,EQUALS, .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover JPA Persistence XML Files) ) withId("DiscoverJpaConfigurationXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverWebXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,web-app).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover web.xml files) ) withId("DiscoverWebXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverEjbAnnotationsRuleProvider_StatelessAndStatefulRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references(javax.ejb.{annotationType}).at([ANNOTATION]).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverEjbAnnotationsRuleProvider_StatelessAndStatefulRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
DiscoverEjbAnnotationsRuleProvider_MessageDrivenRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references(javax.ejb.MessageDriven).at([ANNOTATION]).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverEjbAnnotationsRuleProvider_MessageDrivenRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverJaxRsAnnotationsRuleProvider_JAXRSAnnotationRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references([ANNOTATION]).as(jaxrsAnnotations) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(jaxrsAnnotations_instance).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverJaxRsAnnotationsRuleProvider_JAXRSAnnotationRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverJPAAnnotationsRuleProvider_JPAEntityBeanRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references(javax.persistence.Entity).at([ANNOTATION]) .as(entityAnnotations).or(JavaClass.references(javax.persistence.Table) .at([ANNOTATION]).as(tableAnnotations)).or(JavaClass.references(javax .persistence .NamedQuery).at([ANNOTATION]).as(namedQuery)).or(JavaClass.references(javax .persistence.NamedQueries).at([ANNOTATION]).as(namedQueries)) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(entityAnnotations_instance).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverJPAAnnotationsRuleProvider_JPAEntityBeanRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverJaxWSAnnotationsRuleProvider_JAXWSAnnotationRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references(javax.jws.WebService).at([ANNOTATION]).as(jaxwsAnnotations) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(jaxwsAnnotations_instance).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverJaxWSAnnotationsRuleProvider_JAXWSAnnotationRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveSpringHibernateJPADataSourceRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.SpringBeanModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Resolve Spring JNDI to DataSource) ) withId("ResolveSpringHibernateJPADataSourceRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebLogicEjbXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,weblogic-ejb-jar).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebLogic EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebLogicEjbXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 15
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveJBossEjbXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,ejb-jar).has(fileName,EQUALS,jboss-ejb3.xml) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover JBoss EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveJBossEjbXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveOrionEjbXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,orion-ejb-jar).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover Orion EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveOrionEjbXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereEjbExtensionXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi) .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,EJBJarExtension) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebSphere EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereEjbExtensionXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveJBossLegacyEjbXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,jboss).has(fileName,EQUALS,jboss.xml).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover JBoss EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveJBossLegacyEjbXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereEjbBindingXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi) .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,EJBJarBinding) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebSphere EJB XML Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereEjbBindingXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebSphereWebXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(fileName,EQUALS,ibm-web-bnd.xmi).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover IBM WebSphere Web Binding Files) ) withId("ResolveWebSphereWebXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveJBossWebXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,jboss-web).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover JBoss Web XML Files) ) withId("ResolveJBossWebXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveWebLogicWebXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,weblogic-web-app).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover WebLogic Web Files) ) withId("ResolveWebLogicWebXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: InitialAnalysisPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ResolveOrionWebXmlRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel).gremlin() .has(rootTagName,EQUALS,orion-web-app).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Discover Orion Web XML Files) ) withId("ResolveOrionWebXmlRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Phase: MigrationRulesPhase


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
hibernate-01000 <rule id="hibernate-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass matchesSource="{*}text{*}" references="org.hibernate.annotations.Type"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="@Type(type=text) is deprecated in Hibernate 4"> <message> In versions of Hibernate prior to 3.5, text type was mapped to JDBC CLOB. A new Hibernate type, materialized_clob, was added in Hibernate 4 to map Java String properties to JDBC CLOB. Therefore, Hibernate 4 text LOB type definitions should be defined using `@Lob`, instead. </message> <link href="" title="Hibernate 4 java @Type migration."/> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-02000 <rule id="hibernate-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.criterion.Projections.{method}{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="Hibernate 4 projection return types"> <message> The return types of the numeric aggregate criteria projections has changed to Long in hibernate 4. This change may introduce conflicts in the code. </message> <link href="" title="Hibernate 4 projections return type change."/> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="method"> <matches pattern="(count|rowCount|sum)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-03000 <rule id="hibernate-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration{*}"> <location>CONSTRUCTOR_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="The initial naming strategy was changed from DefaultNamingStrategy to EJB3NamingStrategy in Hibernate 4"> <message> The initial/default naming strategy in Hibernate 4 was changed from DefaultNamingStrategy to EJB3NamingStrategy. This can result in naming mismatches. If you rely on the naming strategy, call Configuration#setNamingStrategy. </message> <link href="" title="Hibernate 4 naming strategy change documentation."/> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-04000 <rule id="hibernate-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.classic.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="The removed classes in org.hibernate.classic package"> <message>The deprecated classes in org.hibernate.classic package was removed in Hibernate 4.</message> <link href="" title="Migration to Hibernate 4.0"/> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-05000 <rule id="hibernate-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.dialect.resolver.DialectResolver"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.dialect.resolver.DialectResolver"> <message>Replace org.hibernate.dialect.resolver.DialectResolver with org.hibernate.service.jdbc.dialect.spi.DialectResolver.</message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-06000 <rule id="hibernate-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.BatcherFactory"/> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcherFactory"/> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.NonBatchingBatcherFactory"/> </or> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.jdbc.BatcherFactory and its implementations"> <message>Replace org.hibernate.jdbc.BatcherFactory by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.spi.BatchBuilder. Their default implementations are in org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal. You can override the default BatchBuilder by defining the "hibernate.jdbc.batch.builder" property as the name of a BatchBuilder implementation or by providing a BatchBuilder in a custom ServiceRegistry. </message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-07000 <rule id="hibernate-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.Batcher"/> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher"/> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher"/> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.jdbc.NonBatchingBatcher"/> </or> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.jdbc.Batcher and its implementations"> <message>Replace org.hibernate.jdbc.Batcher by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.spi.Batch. Their default implementations are in org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal. </message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-08000 <rule id="hibernate-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor"> <message>Replace org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor with org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor </message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-09000 <rule id="hibernate-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.connection.{classname}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.connection.{classname}"> <message>The classes in org.hibernate.connection package was moved to org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal in Hibernate 4</message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="classname"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-10000 <rule id="hibernate-10000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.hibernate.collection.PersistentBag"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Replace class org.hibernate.collection.PersistentBag"> <message>The class org.hibernate.collection.PersistentBag was moved to org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentBag in Hibernate 4</message> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
hibernate-10100 <rule id="hibernate-10100" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="net.sf.hibernate.{classname}"/> </when> <perform> <classification severity="mandatory" title="Hibernate 2.x"/> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Hibernate type reference net.sf.hibernate.{classname}"> <message> This is an old Hibernate package name from version 2.x and needs to be migrated to a compatible API to Hibernate 4.x/5.x, where package name is org.hibernate. </message> <link href="" title="Hibernate Migration Guides"/> <tag>hibernate</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="classname"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
FileMapping_.*\.tld$_aE <file-mapping from=".*\.tld$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.bpel$_yH <file-mapping from=".*\.bpel$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.wsdl$_JX <file-mapping from=".*\.wsdl$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.wsdd$_WA <file-mapping from=".*\.wsdd$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.bpelex_F9 <file-mapping from=".*\.bpelex$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.mon$_JE <file-mapping from=".*\.mon$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.xmi$_3x <file-mapping from=".*\.xmi$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.export_HC <file-mapping from=".*\.export$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.import_JE <file-mapping from=".*\.import$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.bcfg$_5T <file-mapping from=".*\.bcfg$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.map$_qJ <file-mapping from=".*\.map$" onParseError="ignore" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.brg$_tB <file-mapping from=".*\.brg$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.brgt$_46 <file-mapping from=".*\.brgt$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.rulese_80 <file-mapping from=".*\.ruleset$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.module_uU <file-mapping from=".*\.module$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.module_SF <file-mapping from=".*\.modulex$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.compos_Ci <file-mapping from=".*\.composite$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
FileMapping_.*\.requir_LG <file-mapping from=".*\.requirements$" to="XmlFileModel" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause <package-mapping from="bea" to="WebLogic" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.bea" to="WebLogic" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.weblogic" to="WebLogic" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="weblogic" to="WebLogic" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="oracle" to="WebLogic" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="ilog" to="IBM" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="ibm" to="IBM" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="IBM" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="websphere" to="IBM" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.iona" to="Iona" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.lombardi" to="Lombardi" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.sonic" to="Progress" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.sybase" to="Sybase" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="sybase" to="Sybase" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.tangosol" to="Tangosol" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.tibco" to="Tibco" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="commonj" to="Commonj" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="java." to="Sun" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.sun" to="Sun" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="javax" to="Sun" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="mx4j" to="MX4J" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="net.sf.hibernate" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.jboss" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.ajax4jsf" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.hibernate" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.jgroups" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.modeshape" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.drools" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.jbpm" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.hornetq" to="JBoss" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.quartz" to="Quartz" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.opensymphony" to="Open Symphony" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.apache" to="Apache" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.mule" to="Mule ESB" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.springframework" to="Spring" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.postgresql" to="Postgres" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.mysql" to="MySQL" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.hsqldb" to="HypersonicDB" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="microsoft" to="Microsoft" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.xml.sax" to="Oasis" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.thoughtworks" to="Thoughtworks" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.w3c" to="W3C" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.osoa" to="OSOA" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.mvel" to="MVEL" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.codehaus" to="Codehaus" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="net.sf" to="Sourceforge" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="net.sourceforge" to="Sourceforge" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.dom4j" to="DOM4J" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="edu.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent" to="OSWego Util Concurrent" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Backport Util Concurrent" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.adobe" to="Adobe" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="coldfusion" to="Adobe" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Adobe" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Adobe" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="flex.messaging" to="Adobe" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Google" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.eclipse" to="Eclipse Foundation" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.mozilla" to="Mozilla Foundation" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.bouncycastle" to="Bouncy Castle" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.wso2" to="WSO2" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="SAP" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.businessobjects" to="SAP" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.mchange" to="Machinery For Change" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="com.atlassian" to="Atlassian" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="atlassian" to="Atlassian" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="net.sf" to="SourceForge" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.scannotation" to="Scannotation" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.slf4j" to="SLF4J" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.joda" to="Joda Time" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="freemarker" to="Freemarker" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.milyn" to="Milyn" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="junit" to="JUnit" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.junit" to="JUnit" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.jdom" to="JDOM" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.jfree" to="JFree" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Google" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="" to="Yahoo" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success <package-mapping from="org.antlr" to="Antlr" xmlns=""/>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-xml-descriptor-01000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/*[local-name()='weblogic-application']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic EAR Application Descriptor"> <description> The weblogic-application.xml deployment descriptor file is used to describe Oracle WebLogic Server EAR archives </description> <link href="" title="Migrate the Oracle WebLogic Server weblogic-application.xml Descriptor File Configurations to JBoss EAP 6"/> </classification> <hint effort="0" title="weblogic-application.xml Elements mapping"> <message>Oracle WebLogic Server EAR configures some application settings through the `application-param` element. These settings could be replaced with `context-param` elements in Java EE Servlet `web.xml` descriptor. </message> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 7
Edges Created: 9
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-02000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/*[local-name()='weblogic-rdbms-jar']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Entity EJB Configuration"> <description>WebLogic Entity EJB Configuration are used for RDBMS based persistence services.</description> <link href="" title="Migrate Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration Files and Descriptors to JBoss EAP 6"/> <tag>database</tag> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-03000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//*[local-name()='delay-updates-until-end-of-tx']/text()"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="WebLogic `delay-updates-until-end-of-tx` configuration element"> <message> The WebLogic &amp;lt;delay-updates-until-end-of-tx&amp;lt; configuration element, which defaults to `true`, is used for performance reasons to delay updates to the persistent store of all beans until the end of the transaction. When set to `false`, updates are sent to the database after each method invocation, but are not committed until the end of the transaction. This allows other processes to access the persisted data while the transaction is waiting to be completed. In JBoss EAP 6, you can achieve the same behavior by specifying the &amp;lt;sync-on-commit-only&amp;gt; in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file. </message> <link href="" title="Map delay-updates-until-end-of-tx element from weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Equivalent"/> <tag>performance</tag> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>database</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-04000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/weblogic-ejb-jar"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic EJB XML"> <link href="" title="Map weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the jboss-ejb3.xml Descriptor"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-05000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wl9:weblogic-ejb-jar"> <namespace prefix="wl9" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic EJB XML"> <link href="" title="Map weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the jboss-ejb3.xml Descriptor"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 6
Edges Created: 11
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-06000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wl10:weblogic-ejb-jar"> <namespace prefix="wl10" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic EJB XML"> <link href="" title="Map weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Elements to the jboss-ejb3.xml Descriptor"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-06001 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-06001" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//*[local-name() = 'allow-concurrent-calls' and translate(text(),'TRUE','true') = 'true' ]"> <namespace prefix="wl9" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Stateful Session Bean"> <message>Replace WebLogic proprietary configuration by Java EE 6 annotation @AccessTimeout. The equivalent usage is `@AccessTimeout(value= -1)`</message> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 annotation @AccessTimeout"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-07000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/weblogic-wsee-standaloneclient |/wl10:weblogic-wsee-standaloneclient"> <namespace prefix="wl10" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic SOAP Client Mapping"> <tag>soap</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-08000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/java-wsdl-mapping"> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Java to WSDL Mapping"> <tag>wsdl</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-09000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/webservice-policy-ref | /wl:webservice-policy-ref | /wl9:webservice-policy-ref"> <namespace prefix="wl9" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="wl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Webservice Policy"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-10000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-10000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="webservices" matches="/weblogic-webservices | /wl:weblogic-webservices | /wl9:weblogic-webservices"> <namespace prefix="wl9" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="wl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> <xmlfile as="webservices-types" from="webservices" matches="//webservice-type | //wl:webservice-type | //wl9:webservice-type"> <namespace prefix="wl9" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="wl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration over="webservices"> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Webservice Descriptor"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="webservices-types"> <hint effort="3" severity="optional" title="Webservice Type"> <message>WebLogic webservices can be migrated to `jboss-webservices.xml` descriptor or to a Java EE standard Annotation based configuration. Reference the JBoss EAP 6 product documentation for more information. </message> <link href="" title="JAX-RS Web Services Guide"/> <link href="" title="JAX-WS Web Services Guide"/> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-11000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-11000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/*[local-name()='weblogic-jms']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic JMS Descriptor"> <link href="" title="EAP 6 JMS Server configuration"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 6
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-12000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-12000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/bea:weblogic-web-app | /wlso:weblogic-web-app | /wls:weblogic-web-app | /weblogic-web-app"> <namespace prefix="wlso" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="bea" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="wls" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Web Application Descriptor"> <link href="" title="Migrate Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration Files and Descriptors to the JBoss EAP 6 Equivalent"/> <link href="" title="Map weblogic.xml Configurations to JBoss"/> <tag>web-app</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 9
Edges Created: 13
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-13000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-13000" xmlns=""> <!-- TODO this rule is unclear --> <when> <xmlfile public-id="BEA.+RMI Runtime DTD 1.."/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic RMI XML Version 1.x"> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-14000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-14000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wsdd:type-mapping"> <namespace prefix="wsdd" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Webservice Type Mapping"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-15000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-15000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wlw:wlw-config"> <namespace prefix="wlw" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Services Configuration"> <description>WebLogic specific configuration of web services runtime parameters</description> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-16000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-16000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/project/taskdef[@classname='weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.servicegen.ServiceGenTask'] | /project/taskdef[@classname='weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.javaschema.JavaSchema'] | /project/taskdef[@classname='weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.autotype.JavaSource2DD'] | /project/taskdef[@classname='weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.clientgen.ClientGenTask']"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="13" severity="optional" title="WebLogic-specific Webservice Ant Tasks"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-17000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-17000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wl:annotation-manifest | /annotation-manifest"> <namespace prefix="wl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="7" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Annotation Manifest"> <description> In this file, the value set for a property by a metada annotation can be overriden. (It does not override the values set by a setter method.) </description> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-xml-descriptor-18000 <rule id="weblogic-xml-descriptor-18000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/wls:deployment-plan"> <namespace prefix="wls" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="plan.xml deployment descriptor file"> <description> WebLogic `plan.xml` deployment descriptor file provides a way to target the application deployment for a specific environment. </description> <link href="" title="Replace the WebLogic plan.xml Deployment Descriptor Configuration"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-webapp-01000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="weblogic.xml" matches="//wl:virtual-directory-mapping"> <namespace prefix="wl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Virtual directory mapping"> <message>Virtual directories supported in WebLogic are not supported in JBoss EAP.</message> <link href="" title="Detailed description of how to migrate virtual directories."/> <tag>file-system</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-02000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.servlet.annotation.WLServlet"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"> <message> Replace the proprietary WebLogic @WLServlet annotation with the Java EE 6 standard @WebServlet annotation. See the [javax.servlet.annotation JavaDoc]( for more information. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"/> <tag>servlet</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-03000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.servlet.annotation.WLInitParam"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"> <message> Replace the proprietary WebLogic @WLInitParam annotation with the Java EE 6 standard @WebInitParam annotation. See the [javax.servlet.annotation JavaDoc]( for more information. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"/> <tag>servlet</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-04000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.servlet.annotation.WLFilter"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"> <message> Replace the proprietary WebLogic @WLFilter annotation with the Java EE 6 standard @WebFilter annotation. See the [javax.servlet.annotation JavaDoc]( for more information. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate WebLogic Proprietary Servlet Annotations"/> <tag>servlet</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-05000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleEvent"> <location>IMPLEMENTS_TYPE</location> <location>INHERITANCE</location> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleEvent"> <message> WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleEvent must be replaced with standard Java EE ServletContextEvent. Otherwise, a custom solution using CDI's ApplicationScoped beans or EJB's @Startup beans is required in order to propagate a custom event object because ServletContextEvent types are not extendible in the standard Java EE programming model. Use a `javax.servlet.ServletContextListener` with `@javax.annotation.servlet.WebListener`, or an EJB 3.1 `@javax.ejb.Startup` `@javax.ejb.Singleton` service bean. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleEvent to standard EJB with JBoss EAP"/> <link href="" title="Java EE ServletContextEvent JavaDoc"/> <link href="" title="WebLogic custom ApplicationLifecycleEvent Documentation"/> <tag>lifecycle</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 6
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-webapp-06000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleListener"> <location>IMPLEMENTS_TYPE</location> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleListener"> <message> WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleListener must be replaced with standard Java EE ServletContextListener types. Otherwise, a solution using CDI's ApplicationScoped beans or EJB's @Startup beans is required. Use a `javax.servlet.ServletContextListener` with `@javax.annotation.servlet.WebListener`, or an EJB 3.1 `@javax.ejb.Startup` `@javax.ejb.Singleton` service bean. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate Oracle WebLogic Server ApplicationLifecycleListener Code to Red Hat JBoss EAP 6"/> <link href="" title="Java EE ServletContextEvent JavaDoc"/> <link href="" title="WebLogic custom ApplicationLifecycleEvent Documentation"/> <tag>lifecycle</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 4
Edges Created: 6
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-webapp-07000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Security API"> <link href="" title="WebLogic Security API Docs"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-08000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Reference to"> <message>Migrate to JBoss EAP 6:</message> <link href="" title="Security Context - JBoss EAP 6"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webapp-09000 <rule id="weblogic-webapp-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic proprietary annotation ServletAuthentication"> <message>Migrate to Standard Java EE 6 Servlet Security: javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity</message> <link href="" title="Migrate Oracle WebLogic Server Programmatic Login to JBoss EAP 6"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 3
Edges Created: 4
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-jms-00000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS"> <link href="" title="Oracle 9i JMS Documentation"/> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Documentation"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-01000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsSession"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Session"> <message> Oracle JMS sessions are used for producing and consuming messaging API objects such as message producers, message consumers, messages, queue browsers, and temporary queues and topics. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.Session`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Session"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-02000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsQueueBrowser"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Queue Browser"> <message> Oracle JMS queue browsers are used for browsing messages in a JMS queue. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.QueueBrowser`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Queue Browser"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-03000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsProducer"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Producer"> <message> Oracle JMS producers are used for sending messages to a destination. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.MessageProducer`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Message Producer"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-04000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Consumer"> <message> Oracle JMS consumers are used for receiving messages sent to a destination. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.MessageConsumer`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Message Consumer"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-05000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsConnection"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Consumer"> <message> Oracle JMS connections represent virtual connections with a JMS provider. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.Connection`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Connections"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-06000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjms{type}Message"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS {type}Message"> <message> Oracle JMS {type} messages represent the actual data passed through JMS destinations. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.{type}Message`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Message API"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="(Text|Stream|Object|Map|Bytes)?"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-07000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjmsDestination"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS Destination"> <message> Oracle JMS destinations are the objects a client uses to specify the target of messages it produces and the source of messages it consumes. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.Destination`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Destinations"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-jms-08000 <rule id="weblogic-jms-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.jms.AQjms{type}ConnectionFactory"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle JMS {type} Connection Factory"> <message> Oracle {type}ConnectionFactory is an encapsulation of JMS servers to which Connections can be created for message distribution. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.{type}ConnectionFactory`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Connection factories"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="(Topic|Queue)?"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-webservices-01000 <rule id="weblogic-webservices-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.ServiceImpl"> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Web Service Implementation"/> <hint severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Service Implementation Class"> <message> This web service stub was generated with a WebLogic tool. This will need to be regenerated using the web services tools within JBoss. See the [JAX-WS Web Service]( guide for more information. </message> <link href="" title="JAX-WS Web Service Clients"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webservices-02000 <rule id="weblogic-webservices-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.wsee.async.AsyncPreCallContext"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="7" severity="mandatory" title="Asynchronous Web Service Client"> <link href="" title="WebLogic Asynchronous Execution Documentation"/> <link href="" title="Develop a JAX-WS Client Application"/> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Asynchronous Call"> <message> The WebLogic specific Asynchronous Web Service Client API will need to be replaced with calls to the JAX-WS asynchronous API. More information is available in the [JBoss EAP documentation]( </message> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>client</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webservices-03000 <rule id="weblogic-webservices-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.wsee.connection.transport.http.HttpTransportInfo.setUsername({*})"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Proprietary web-service authentication"> <message><![CDATA[ Replace proprietary web-service authentication with JAX-WS standard calls. To attach authentication with JBoss EAP, simply use the following code: ```java URL wsdlURL = new File("resources/jaxws/samples/context/WEB-INF/wsdl/TestEndpoint.wsdl").toURL(); QName qname = new QName("", "TestEndpointService"); Service service = Service.create(wsdlURL, qname); port = (TestEndpoint)service.getPort(TestEndpoint.class); BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)port; bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "jsmith"); bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "PaSSw0rd"); ``` ]]></message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP CXF User Guide"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>security</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webservices-04000 <rule id="weblogic-webservices-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.wsee.context.WebServiceContext"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Specific Web Services API Usage"> <message> This code uses the WebLogic specific class "weblogic.wsee.context.WebServiceContext". This usage will need to be replaced with the Java Enterprise Edition standard "javax.xml.WebServiceContext" interface. Example code: ```java @Resource private WebServiceContext webServiceContext; ``` </message> <link href="" title="javax.xml.WebServiceContext Documentation"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>context</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-webservices-05000 <rule id="weblogic-webservices-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.wsee.context.ContextNotFoundException"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Specific Web Services API Usage"> <message> This exception (weblogic.wsee.context.ContextNotFoundException) is WebLogic specific and can be removed. </message> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>context</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-01000 <rule id="weblogic-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.time.common.Triggerable"> <location>IMPLEMENTS_TYPE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Scheduled Job"> <link href="" title="EJB Timer Service"/> <tag>scheduler</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Scheduled Job"> <message> WebLogic scheduled jobs should be migrated to use the EJB Timer Service. More information is available within the [Java EE 6 Tutorial]( </message> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>timer</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-02000 <rule id="weblogic-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.utils.StringUtils.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic StringUtils Usage"> <message>Replace with the StringUtils class from Apache Commons.</message> <link href="" title="Apache Commons Lang"/> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-03000 <rule id="weblogic-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.apache.xml.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Specific Apache XML Package"> <message> Code using this package should be replaced with code using the org.apache.xml package from [Apache Xerces]( </message> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-04000 <rule id="weblogic-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.{classname}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic TransactionManager Usage"> <message>Replace with the Java EE standard [javax.transaction.TransactionManager]( </message> <link href="" title="Java Enterprise Edition TransactionManager"/> <tag>transactions</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="classname"> <matches pattern="(Client)*TransactionManager"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 8
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-05000 <rule id="weblogic-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.resume{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.forceResume{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.ClientTransactionManager.resume{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.ClientTransactionManager.forceResume{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </or> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic TransactionManager Usage of resume method"> <message>Replace with the Java EE standard method `javax.transaction.TransactionManager.resume(Transaction tx)`.</message> <tag>transactions</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 3
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-06000 <rule id="weblogic-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.suspend{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager.forceSuspend{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.ClientTransactionManager.suspend{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.ClientTransactionManager.forceSuspend{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </or> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic TransactionManager Usage of suspend method"> <message>Replace with the Java EE standard `javax.transaction.TransactionManager.suspend()`</message> <tag>transactions</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 3
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-07000 <rule id="weblogic-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.TxHelper"> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic TxHelper Usage"> <message>Remove the `weblogic.transaction.TxHelper` import statement.</message> <tag>transactions</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-08000 <rule id="weblogic-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.transaction.{classname}.getTransactionManager()"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="1" title="WebLogic ClientTxHelper"> <message><![CDATA[ Look up the Java Enterprise Edition `javax.transaction.TransactionManager` in JBoss EAP using the following code: ```java InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); TransactionManager transactionManager = (TransactionManager)context.lookup("java:jboss/TransactionManager"); ``` ]]></message> <tag>transactions</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> <where param="classname"> <matches pattern="(Client)*TxHelper"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-09000 <rule id="weblogic-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic JDBC Code"> <message> This Oracle and WebLogic specific code (`OracleThinClob`) should be replaced with the use of the java.sql.Clob interface. </message> <link href="" title="Oracle JDBC Documentation"/> <link href="" title="java.sql.Clob interface"/> <tag>jdbc</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-10000 <rule id="weblogic-10000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic JDBC Code"> <message> This code is specific to WebLogic and should be replaced with `java.sql.Clob.setCharacterStream(1)` </message> <link href="" title="Oracle JDBC Documentation"/> <link href="" title="java.sql.Clob interface"/> <tag>jdbc</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-11000 <rule id="weblogic-11000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.i18n.logging.NonCatalogLogger{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> <location>CONSTRUCTOR_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" title="WebLogic Logger Usage"> <message> The WebLogic `NonCatalogLogger` is not supported on JBoss EAP, and should be migrated to a supported logging framework, such as the JDK Logger or JBoss Logging: ```java import java.util.logging.Logger; Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger"); ``` </message> <link href="" title="JDK Logging Documentation"/> <link href="" title="JBoss Logging Quickstart"/> <tag>logging</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 58
Edges Created: 95
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-12000 <rule id="weblogic-12000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/jdbc-data-source/jdbc-driver-params/property/name[text()='FastConnectionFailoverEnabled']"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic uses Oracle FCF JDBC property"> <message><![CDATA[ Oracle Fast Connection Failover is specific property supported only by Oracle JDBC driver which provides support for their vendor's special features transparently to the application server in which they are deployed. For example, one can supply a URL like this to the Oracle JDBC driver and the driver will provide transparent load-balancing and fail-over: ``` <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(</xa-datasource-property> ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Implement Oracle Fast Connection Failover (FCF) in EAP 6"/> <link href="" title="Use Oracle FCF in JBoss EAP"/> <tag>jdbc</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-13000 <rule id="weblogic-13000" xmlns=""> <when> <filecontent filename="MANIFEST.MF" pattern="Weblogic-Application-Version:"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="WebLogic Side-By-Side Redeployment"> <link href="" title="Replace WebLogic Side-By-Side Production Redeployment in EAP 6"/> </classification> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Side-By-Side Redeployment Configuration"> <message> Oracle WebLogic Server includes a proprietary side-by-side production redeployment feature. For applications that meet certain requirements and restrictions, the new version of the application is deployed while the older version is still running. The old and new applications must be running on the same server or cluster. The new version of the application accepts new web session requests while the older version finishes processing requests already in process. Upon completion of the existing session requests, the older version of the application is then undeployed. In JBoss EAP, you can either deploy the new application to a secondary server group or cluster, or deploy the new application serially to the same clustered domain. </message> <link href="" title="Replace WebLogic Side-By-Side Production Redeployment in EAP 6"/> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-15000 <rule id="weblogic-15000" xmlns=""> <when> <filecontent filename="{*}" pattern=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Oracle Wallet used"> <message> WebLogic administrators use wallets created by Oracle Wallet Manager to manage public key security credentials on application clients and servers. These wallets must first be converted to standard Java KeyStore (JKS) entries that can then be used to configure the credentials in JBoss EAP 6. </message> <link href="" title="Replace WebLogic Oracle Wallets When Migrating to EAP 6"/> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-016000 <rule id="weblogic-016000" xmlns=""> <when> <!-- --> <filecontent filename="{*}.{ext}" pattern="weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Initial Context Configuration"> <message> <![CDATA[ `WLInitialContextFactory` is an implementation of `InitialContextFactory` used to get object instances from JNDI. The equivalent functionality needs to be configured on JBoss EAP 6. `InitialContextFactory` is provided by EAP and you only need to instantiate `InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();`. ]]> </message> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="ext"> <matches pattern="(java|properties|xml)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 8
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-017000 <rule id="weblogic-017000" xmlns=""> <when> <!-- --> <filecontent filename="{*}.{ext}" pattern="t3://"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Initial Context Configuration"> <message> <![CDATA[ `t3://` URLs are used to configure a JNDI InitialContext within WebLogic. The equivalent functionality needs to be configured on JBoss EAP 6. `InitialContextFactory` is provided by EAP and you only need to instantiate `InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();`. ]]> </message> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="ext"> <matches pattern="(java|properties|xml)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 6
Edges Created: 12
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-services-01000 <rule id="weblogic-services-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.common.T3StartupDef"> <location>IMPLEMENTS_TYPE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebLogic Startup Service"> <link href="" title="EJB3.1 Singleton Bean"/> <link href="" title="EJB3.1 Startup Bean"/> <tag>startup</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="Use of WebLogic Startup Service"> <message>Replace this class with a class using the EJB 3.1 @Singleton and @Startup annotations.</message> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 7
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-services-02000 <rule id="weblogic-services-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Use of T3ServicesDef"> <message> T3ServicesDef provides access to core services of the container, such as Timers and Logging facilities. Replace the services provided by this with a Singleton EJB (using the @Singleton annotation) that provides access to the equivalent services from JBoss EAP. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE Tutorial - @Singleton Session Bean"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 6
Edges Created: 12
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
weblogic-services-03000 <rule id="weblogic-services-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <javaclass references="weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger"/> <javaclass references="weblogic.i18n.logging.NonCatalogLogger"/> </or> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Use of WebLogic specific logging classes"> <message> NonCatalogLogger is a logger for logging messages to the WebLogic log. This should be replaced with SLF4J, Log4J, or Java Logging. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss Logging Migration Information"/> <tag>logging</tag> <tag>weblogic</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 16
Edges Created: 32
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
java-ee-jaxrpc-00000 <rule id="java-ee-jaxrpc-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass as="default" references="javax.xml.rpc.handler.GenericHandler"> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JAX-RPC Generic Handler"> <link href="" title="Java EE RPC Generic Handler API"/> <tag>jax-rpc</tag> <tag>soap</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-webservices-01000 <rule id="xml-webservices-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/serviceGroup/service/operation"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache Axis Service Group"> <tag>apache-axis</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-02000 <rule id="xml-webservices-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/module/InFlow"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache Axis Module"> <tag>apache-axis</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-03000 <rule id="xml-webservices-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/axisconfig"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache Axis Configuration"> <tag>apache-axis</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-04000 <rule id="xml-webservices-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/xfire:beans"> <namespace prefix="xfire" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="XFire 1.x Configuration"> <tag>xfire</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-05000 <rule id="xml-webservices-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/*[local-name()='handler-chains']"> <namespace prefix="j2e" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jcp" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="JAX-WS Handler Chain"> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-06000 <rule id="xml-webservices-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="webservices" matches="/*[local-name()='webservices']"> <namespace prefix="j2e" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jcp" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> <xmlfile as="handler-classes" from="webservices" matches="//*[local-name()='handler-class']"> <namespace prefix="j2e" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jcp" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration over="webservices"> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Java Webservice Configuration"> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="handler-classes"> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="Use of Web Service Handler2"> <message>EAP 6 developer documentation describes JAX-WS Web Services Common API.</message> <link href="" title="JAX-WS Web Services Common API">JAX-WS Web Services Common API</link> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-06001 <rule id="xml-webservices-06001" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="webservices" matches="/*[local-name()='webservices']"> <namespace prefix="j2e" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jcp" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> <xmlfile as="endpoints" from="webservices" matches="//*[local-name()='service-endpoint-interface']"> <namespace prefix="j2e" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jcp" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="jee" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration over="webservices"> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Java Webservice Configuration"> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="endpoints"> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="Use of Web Service Handler2"> <message>EAP 6 developer documentation about JAX-WS Web Services Endpoints</message> <link href="" title="About JAX-WS Web Services Endpoints">About JAX-WS Web Service Endpoints</link> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-07000 <rule id="xml-webservices-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/extensions"> <namespace prefix="cxf" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache CXF Bus Extension"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>apache-cxf</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-08000 <rule id="xml-webservices-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="//*[local-name()='Policy']"> <namespace prefix="wsp" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="WS-Policy"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>security</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-09000 <rule id="xml-webservices-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/*[local-name()='Envelope']"> <namespace prefix="se" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="SOAP Envelope"> <tag>soap</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-webservices-10000 <rule id="xml-webservices-10000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/*[local-name()='definitions']"> <namespace prefix="wsdl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="WSDL Definition"> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>wsdl</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
seam-ui-00000 <rule id="seam-ui-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//*[namespace-uri()=''] | //*[namespace-uri()='']"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="JSF Seam Template"> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-00001 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-00001" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:button"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:button found"> <message> Seam UI's &lt;s:button&gt; JSF control should be replaced by &lt;h:button&gt;. There are differences in attributes, for example the _action_ attribute maps to _outcome_ and there is no _propagation_ attribute. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01000 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:link"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:link found"> <message> You can use &lt;h:link&gt; instead of Seam UI &lt;s:link&gt;. There are differences in attributes, for example the _action_ attribute maps to _outcome_ and there is no _propagation_ attribute. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01001 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01001" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:conversationId"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:conversationId found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:conversationId&gt; in JSF UI controls. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01002 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01002" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:conversationPropagation"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:conversationPropagation found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:conversationPropagation&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01003 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01003" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:taskId"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:taskId found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:taskId&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01004 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01004" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:defaultAction"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:defaultAction found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:defaultAction&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01005 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01005" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertDateTime"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertDateTime found"> <message> Replace it with &lt;f:convertDateTime type="time" pattern="kk:mm:ss"&gt;. You can achieve a similar effect by using the standard &lt;f:convertDateTime&gt; tag and setting the locale, or setting the context-param *javax.faces.DATETIMECONVERTER_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE* to *true*. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01006 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01006" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertEntity"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertEntity found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:convertEntity&gt; in JSF UI controls. Use &lt;f:converter converterId="&lt;yourConverterClass&gt;"&gt; instead. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01007 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01007" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:enumItem"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:enumItem found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:enumItem&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01008 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01008" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:token"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:token found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:token&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01009 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01009" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:formattedText"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:formattedText found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:formattedText&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01010 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01010" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:cache"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:cache found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:cache&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01011 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01011" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:resource"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:resource found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:resource&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01012 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01012" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:download"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:download found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:download&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01013 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01013" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:remote"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:remote found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:remote&gt; in JSF UI controls </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01014 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01014" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:selectItems"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:selectItems found"> <message> Replace it by using &lt;h:selectItems&gt;. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01015 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01015" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:validate"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:validate found"> <message> Replace it by using &lt;f:validateBean&gt;. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01016 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01016" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:fragment"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:fragment found"> <message> There is &lt;ui:fragment&gt; to use instead in pure JSF. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01017 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01017" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertEnum"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertEnum found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:convertEnum&gt; in JSF UI controls, but JSF 2 has a built-in EnumConverter which can be extended if necessary. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <link href="" title="Java EE javax.faces.convert.EnumConverter"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01018 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01018" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertAtomicBoolean"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertAtomicBoolean found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:convertAtomicBoolean&gt; in JSF UI controls. Create a custom converter for a replacement. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <link href="" title="Creating and Using a Custom Converter"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01019 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01019" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertAtomicInteger"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertAtomicInteger found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:convertAtomicInteger&gt; in JSF UI controls. Create a custom converter for a replacement. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <link href="" title="Creating and Using a Custom Converter"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01020 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01020" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:convertAtomicLong"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:convertAtomicLong found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:convertAtomicLong&gt; in JSF UI controls. Create a custom converter for a replacement. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <link href="" title="Creating and Using a Custom Converter"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01021 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01021" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:validateEquality"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:validateEquality found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:validateEquality&gt; in JSF UI controls. Use respective &lt;f:validate*&gt; like:message * &lt;f:validateDoubleRange&gt;, * &lt;f:validateLength&gt;, * &lt;f:validateLongRange&gt;, * &lt;f:validateRequired&gt;. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01022 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01022" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:validateAll"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:validateAll found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:validateAll&gt; in JSF UI controls, but you can achieve a similar effect by using &lt;f:validateBean&gt; or [Richfaces]( &lt;rich:validator&gt;. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01023 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01023" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:decorate"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:decorate found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:decorate&gt; in JSF UI controls, but you can achieve the same functionality by using the UIInputContainer and a composite container, both of which are demonstrated in the [Open18 migration example]( [input.xhtml]( file. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01024 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01024" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:div"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:div found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:div&gt; in JSF UI controls, but it could be done with an &lt;h:panelGroup layout="block"&gt; or a &lt;ui:fragment&gt; containing a div. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01025 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01025" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:span"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:span found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:span&gt; in JSF UI controls, but you can achieve a similar effect by using &lt;h:panelGroup&gt; or a &lt;ui:fragment&gt; with a span element. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01026 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01026" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:label"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:label found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:label&gt; in JSF UI controls, but &lt;h:outputLabel&gt; is similar. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01027 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01027" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:message"> <!-- why is not namespace taken into account ? wsdl:message is caught too --> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:message found"> <message> Use &lt;h:message for="name" errorClass="invalid"&gt; or [Richfaces]( &lt;rich:message&gt;. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01028 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01028" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:fileUpload"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:fileUpload found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:fileUpload&gt; in JSF UI controls. You can achieve similar functionality by using [Richfaces]( &lt;rich:fileUpload&gt; </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
seam-ui-jsf-01029 <rule id="seam-ui-jsf-01029" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//s:graphicImage"> <namespace prefix="s" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Seam 2 UI control s:graphicImage found"> <message> There is no direct mapping for &lt;s:graphicImage&gt; in JSF UI controls, but you can use &lt;h:graphicImage&gt; as Seam extends that JSF UI control. </message> <link href="" title="Seam 2 UI controls migration to JSF"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jsf</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-glassfish-01000 <rule id="xml-glassfish-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" public-id=".+GlassFish Application Server .+Servlet.+"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Glassfish Web Descriptor"> <description> Glassfish specific web descriptor file that is by convention named glassfish-web.xml. It is used to configure web application properties likes cache, session configuration, JNDI name binding etc.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP web descriptor"/> <tag>configuration</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-glassfish-02000 <rule id="xml-glassfish-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/glassfish-ejb-jar"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Glassfish EJB Descriptor"> <description> Glassfish specific ejb configuration file used to configure EJBs, map them to jndi names etc.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss-ejb3.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference"/> <tag>configuration</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-glassfish-03000 <rule id="xml-glassfish-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/glassfish-application"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="optional" title="Glassfish Application EAR configuration file"> <description> Glassfish-application is a Glassfish specific EAR configuration file used to configure security roles, url addresses, JNDI binding etc. This file is glassfish specific and needs to be migrated to application.xml or jboss-app.xml.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss application configuration xsd file"/> <tag>configuration</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
environment-dependent-calls-01000 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="java.lang.Class.forName({*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Dynamic instantiation of class"> <message>The class is dynamically loaded within application. During the migration, multiple classes that are provided on classpath by a different server may not be present anymore. Please ensure that the dynamically loaded class is available to JBoss.</message> <tag>classloader</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
environment-dependent-calls-02000 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass as="default" references="javax.naming.Context.lookup{*}"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Call of JNDI lookup"> <message><![CDATA[ This method lookups an object using a JNDI String. During the migration process, some entity JNDI bindings may change. Ensure that the JNDI Name does not need to change for JBoss *For Example:* ```java (ConnectionFactory)initialContext.lookup("weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory"); ``` *should become:* ```java (ConnectionFactory)initialContext.lookup("/ConnectionFactory"); ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="JBoss JNDI Reference"/> <tag>jndi</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 11
Edges Created: 20
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
environment-dependent-calls-03000 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass as="default" references="javax.naming.InitialContext(java.util.Hashtable{*}"> <location>CONSTRUCTOR_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Proprietary InitialContext initialization"> <message><![CDATA[ In JBoss EAP, the InitialContext should be instantiated with no arguments. Once an instance is constructed, look up the service using portable JNDI lookup syntax. Ensure also that in case system properties for InitialContext are provided, they do not need to be changed for the JBoss. ```java InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); Service service = (Service) context.lookup( "java:app/service/" + ServiceImpl.class.getSimpleName() ); ``` ]]></message> <link href="" title="Migrate Applications From Other Platforms to Use Portable JNDI Syntax in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform"/> <tag>jndi</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 4
Edges Created: 8
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
environment-dependent-calls-03500 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-03500" xmlns=""> <when> <file as="default" filename=""/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JNDI properties file"> <description> The JNDI automatically reads the application resource files from all components in the applications' classpaths. The JNDI then makes the properties from these files available to the service providers. Please ensure the property values listed in this file are available to JBoss.</description> <tag>webservice</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
environment-dependent-calls-04000 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-04000" xmlns=""> <!--could also check JMXConnectorFactory.PROTOCOL_PROVIDER_PACKAGES in the provided hash map--> <when> <javaclass as="default" references="{suffix}{*}"> <location>CONSTRUCTOR_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="Reference to{suffix}"> <message>After migration, some of the JMX beans provided by the previous server may not be present anymore. Ensure that the `{suffix}` does not need to change for JBoss. </message> <tag>jmx</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> <where param="suffix"> <matches pattern="(ObjectName)|(remote.JMXServiceURL)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 4
Edges Created: 9
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
environment-dependent-calls-05000 <rule id="environment-dependent-calls-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass as="default" references="{*})"> <location>METHOD_CALL</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JMX connection"> <message>After migration, JMX connection String or parameters may be different than the one provided by previous server. As an example, `` will change. Ensure that any of the parameters does not need to change for JBoss EAP. </message> <tag>jmx</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-resin-01000 <rule id="xml-resin-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/resin:web-app"> <namespace prefix="resin" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Resin Web Application Descriptor"> <description> An Resin specific file defining an application configuration. Such a file may define URL paths, internal resin ids, root directory path etc. This is Resin specific and needs to be migrated to web.xml or jboss-web.xml</description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP web descriptor"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>resin</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-orion-01000 <rule id="xml-orion-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/orion-ejb-jar"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle Application Platform EJB Descriptor"> <description> Orion specific ejb configuration file used to configure EJBs, map them to jndi names etc.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss-ejb3.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>orion</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-orion-02000 <rule id="xml-orion-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/orion-web-app"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle Application Platform Web Descriptor"> <description> Oracle Application Platform Web Descriptor configuriation is defined in files by convention named global-web-application.xml and orion-web.xml. It is Orion specific configuration file that besides supporting the standard web.xml features also adds additional support for featuers like buffering, servlet chaining, locales, virtual directories. This file is not supported in JBoss EAP 6 and needs to be migrated to web.xml or JBoss-specific jboss-web.xml</description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP web descriptor"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>orion</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-orion-03000 <rule id="xml-orion-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/orion-application"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="optional" title="Oracle Application EAR configuration file"> <description> Orion-application file is an orion specific EAR configuration file used to configure default data sources for CMP beans, security user manager, jndi authorization etc. This file may have been generated by Orion.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss application configuration xsd file"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>orion</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-jms-00000 <rule id="websphere-jms-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM JMS Client"> <description>WebSphere MQ client API is used to communicate with the MQ server from client-side applications. For JBoss EAP 6, this needs to be replaced with standard Java EE 6 JMS API, or with HornetQ client API. </description> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <link href="" title="HornetQ User Manual"/> <link href="" title="HornetQ Core Client API Javadoc"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.jms"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-jms-01000 <rule id="websphere-jms-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{prefix}{type}ConnectionFactory"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="IBM {prefix}{type}ConnectionFactory reference"> <message> IBM {prefix}{type}ConnectionFactory is a proprietary encapsulation of JMS servers to which Connections can be created for message distribution. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API: `javax.jms.{type}ConnectionFactory`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Documentation"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\.[^.]*)*\.jms"/> </where> <where param="prefix"> <matches pattern="(Jms|MQeJNDI|MQe|MQ)?+"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]*?"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-jms-02000 <rule id="websphere-jms-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.JmsMsg{type}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="IBM JMS message JmsMsg{type}"> <message> IBM JMS message {type}s are used for sending/reading messages to/from a topic or queue. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API `javax.jms.Message{type}`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Documentation"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.jms"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="(Producer|Consumer)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-jms-02500 <rule id="websphere-jms-02500" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{type}Queue"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="WebSphere implementation MQe{type}Queue of JMS Queue"> <message> `MQe{type}Queue` is a WebSphere implementation of a JMS `Queue` and should be migrated to the Java EE 6 JMS standard interface `javax.jms.Queue`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-jms-03000 <rule id="websphere-jms-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{prefix}{type}Message"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="IBM JMS {type} message"> <message> JMS {type} messages represent the actual data passed through JMS destinations. This reference should be replaced with the Java EE standard API `javax.jms.{type}Message`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial - Message API"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="(Text|Stream|Object|Map|Bytes)?"/> </where> <where param="prefix"> <matches pattern="(JMS|MQe|MQ)"/> </where> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.jms"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-jms-04000 <rule id="websphere-jms-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{prefix}{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="IBM proprietary interface {prefix}{type}"> <message> {prefix}{type} is an IBM proprietary interface and needs to be migrated to the Java EE standard API `javax.jms.{type}`. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE JMS Documentation"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.jms"/> </where> <where param="prefix"> <matches pattern="(Jms|MQe|MQ)"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-xml-01000 <rule id="websphere-xml-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/rl:RuleSet"> <namespace prefix="rl" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="IBM Process Server Rules 6.0"> <description>WBI is a WebSphere proprietary business integration solution. This needs to be migrated to JBoss Drools or JBPM/BRMS.</description> <tag>ibm-wbi</tag> <tag>rules</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> <xslt extension="-drools-example.drl" template="transformations/xslt/websphere-psrules-to-drools.xsl" title="Drools (Windup-Generated)"/> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-02000 <rule id="websphere-xml-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/applicationbnd:ApplicationBinding"> <namespace prefix="applicationbnd" uri="applicationbnd.xmi"/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="WebSphere EAR Application Binding"> <description>This WebSphere application binding is an IBM proprietary method for binding user roles for authorization and needs to be migrated to JAAS or KeyCloak. </description> <link href="" title=" Enabling Role-Based Access Control in JBoss"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebSphere Application Binding Configuration"> <message> This file contains a specific IBM WebSphere Application binding configuration. To migrate to EAP 6, configure EAP 6 accordingly using the CLI interface or web console. </message> <link href="" title="Migrate IBM WebSphere Application Server Web Application Extension or Binding Files"/> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-03000 <rule id="websphere-xml-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <file as="1" filename="ibm-web-ext.{file_ext}"/> <xmlfile as="2" from="1" matches="/webappext:WebAppExtension"> <namespace prefix="webappext" uri="webappext.xmi"/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration over="1"> <classification effort="3" title="WebSphere Web Application Extension configuration file"> <description>WebSphere (Java EE version prior to version 5) specific JSP engine configuration</description> <link href="" title="WebAppExtension javadoc"/> <tag>jsp</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="2"> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="JSP Engine Configuration in Web Application Binding"> <message>This file contains WebSphere specific web application bindings. This would derive from J2EE web application. To migrate to EAP 6, configure EAP 6 accordingly using the CLI interface or web console.</message> <link href="" title="JSP engine configuration migration to EAP 6"/> </hint> </iteration> </perform> <where param="file_ext"> <matches pattern="xml|xmi"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-04000 <rule id="websphere-xml-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/ext:web-ext"> <namespace prefix="ext" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="WebSphere Web Extension"> <description>WebSphere specific JSP engine configuration</description> <tag>jsp</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="WebSphere specific JSP engine configuration"> <message>This file contains WebSphere specific JSP engine configuration. To migrate to EAP 6, configure EAP 6 accordingly using the CLI interface or web console.</message> <link href="" title="JSP engine configuration migration to EAP 6"/> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-05000 <rule id="websphere-xml-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/ext:web-bnd"> <namespace prefix="ext" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="WebSphere Web Application Binding Extension"> <description>WebSphere specific binding configuration.</description> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="mandatory" title="WebSphere specific binding configuration"> <message>This file contains WebSphere specific binding configuration. To migrate to EAP 6, configure EAP 6 accordingly using the CLI interface or web console. </message> <!-- TODO: WINDUP-657 --> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-06000 <rule id="websphere-xml-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <file as="1" filename="ibm-web-bnd.{file_ext}"/> <xmlfile as="2" from="1" matches="/webappbnd:WebAppBinding"> <namespace prefix="webappbnd" uri="webappbnd.xmi"/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration over="1"> <classification effort="0" title="WebSphere Web Application Binding"> <description> WebSphere 6 web application binding configuration file. </description> <link href="" title="WebAppBinding javadoc"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> <tag>application-bindings</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="2"> <hint effort="5" title="WebSphere Web Application Bindings"> <message> This file configures the specific WebSphere Web application bindings. Configure EAP 6 Web subsystem accordingly using the CLI interface or web console. </message> <link href="" title="Configure the EAP6 Web Subsystem"/> <link href="" title="JBoss Web configuration"/> </hint> </iteration> </perform> <where param="file_ext"> <matches pattern="xml|xmi"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-07000 <rule id="websphere-xml-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/"> <namespace prefix="" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="WebSphere ETools WSClient Extension"> <description>Client IBM-specific deployment descriptor extension that needs to be migrated to JBoss WS.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss WS configuration"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-08000 <rule id="websphere-xml-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/"> <namespace prefix="" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="WebSphere ETools WSClient Binding"> <description>Client IBM-specific deployment descriptor binding that needs to be migrated to JBoss WS.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss WS configuration"/> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-xml-09000 <rule id="websphere-xml-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/appdeployment:Deployment"> <namespace prefix="appdeployment" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="IBM Deployment Descriptor"> <description>This file is an auto-generated WebSphere proprietary deployment descriptor.</description> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-other-01000 <rule id="websphere-other-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification title="IBM WorkManager"/> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="IBM Work Manager"> <message> WebSphere Asynchronous Work is a Work Manager, whose purpose is to allow the user utilizing threads while letting the container manage them. For migration to JBoss EAP 6, [replace with JCA Work Manager]( </message> <link href="" title="Configure the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) Subsystem"/> <link href="" title="Description of WebSphere Asynchronous Work"/> <link href="" title="JSR 237: Work Manager for Application Servers"/> <tag>asynchronous</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-other-02000 <rule id="websphere-other-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{*}StartUp{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="WebSphere Startup Service"/> <hint effort="4" severity="mandatory" title="WebSphere Startup Service"> <message> WebSphere Startup Service serves as a callback to be invoked when the server or application starts. When migrating to JBoss EAP 6, this has to be replaced with standard EJB 3.1 Startup Bean, using `@Startup @Singleton` class and `@PostConstruct` method. </message> <link href="" title="EJB 3.1 Singleton Bean"/> <link href="" title="EJB 3.1 Startup Bean"/> <tag>startup</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-mqe-00000 <rule id="websphere-mqe-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM MQe client API"> <description>WebSphere MQe client API is used to communicate with the MQ server from client-side applications. For JBoss EAP 6, this needs to be replaced with standard Java EE 6 JMS API, or with HornetQ client API. </description> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <link href="" title="WebSphere MQe JavaDoc"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.(mqe).*"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mqe-01000 <rule id="websphere-mqe-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{type}Adapter"> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM MQe{type}Adapter"> <message> IBM MQe {type} adapter provides plug-in communications adapters or data storage adapters for queue managers. These can be deployed to JBoss EAP. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Administration and Configuration Guide: Deploy the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter"/> <link href="" title="MQe Adapter Javadoc"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mqe-02000 <rule id="websphere-mqe-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{type}AdminMsg"> <location>INHERITANCE</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM MQe{type}AdminMsg"> <message>IBM MQe {type} administration API provides classes used to administer and monitor a WebSphere MQ Everyplace queue manager. In JBoss EAP 6, the JMS destinations can be configured with the JBoss Admin CLI. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss Admin CLI Guide for JMS"/> <link href="" title="IBM MQe Admin API Javadoc"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mqe-03000 <rule id="websphere-mqe-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="IBM MQe"> <message> `MQeJMSAuthenticator` is a WebSphere proprietary JMS authentication API. To migrate to JBoss EAP 6, replace with Java EE 6 JAAS for JMS authentication. </message> <link href="" title="Configure JBoss EAP Security Domain"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mqe-04000 <rule id="websphere-mqe-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="IBM MQe"> <message> IBM MQe constants are used to name fields when a JMS message is mapped to an `MQeMsgObject`. These are provided to enable WebSphere MQ Everyplace applications to interpret messages sent by JMS or to construct messages that a JMS application will understand. These settings can be discarded when migrating to JBoss EAP 6 with HornetQ. </message> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-mq-00000 <rule id="websphere-mq-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM MQ client API"> <description>WebSphere MQ client API is used to communicate with the MQ server from client-side applications. For JBoss EAP 6, this needs to be replaced with standard Java EE 6 JMS API, or with HornetQ client API. </description> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <link href="" title="WebSphere MQ JavaDoc"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </classification> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="\..*)?\.(mq|wmq).*"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mq-01000 <rule id="websphere-mq-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <!-- --> <filecontent filename="{*}.{ext}" pattern=""/> </when> <perform> <classification title="IBM MQ Configuration"> <description>The WebSphere MQ client API is used to communicate with the MQ server from client-side applications. For JBoss EAP 6, this needs to be replaced with standard Java EE 6 JMS API, or with HornetQ client API. </description> </classification> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM JMS implementation of WMQInitialContextFactory"> <message>`WMQInitialContextFactory` is an implementation of `InitialContextFactory` used to get object instances from JNDI. The equivalent functionality needs to be configured on JBoss EAP 6 using HornetQ. `InitialContextFactory` is provided by EAP and you only need to instantiate `InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();`. </message> <link href="" title="Migration Guide - HornetQ"/> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="ext"> <matches pattern="(java|properties|xml)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-mq-02000 <rule id="websphere-mq-02000" xmlns=""> <!-- --> <when> <filecontent filename="{*}.scp" pattern="{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification title="IBM MQ Configuration"/> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="IBM WebSphere .scp file"> <message> WebSphere `.scp` files contain scripts for the `jmsadmin` program which is used to configure the WebSphere MQ destinations and routing. To configure messaging in JBoss EAP 6 with HornetQ, use either the Management Console or Management CLI with it's scripting feature. </message> <link href="" title="Configure Messaging with HornetQ"/> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 JMS Tutorial"/> <tag>jms</tag> <tag>messaging</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>websphere</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
commonj-01000 <rule id="commonj-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="commonj.timers.{*}"> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="Commonj Timer Manager API"> <link href="" title="Replacement for JSR-236 (Timer Manager) and JSR-237 (Work Manager) in JBoss EAP"/> <tag>commonj</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-02000 <rule id="commonj-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="commonj.timers.TimerManager"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="7" severity="mandatory" title="Migrate commonj.timers.TimerManager to Java EE TimerService API"> <message>Commonj Timer Manager API is similar to the EJB 3.1 java.ejb.Timer Service. In Java EE 6, the Timer Service was updated to allow cron like configuration of scheduling which is similar to Quartz's timer configurations. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 Tutorial - Using the Timer Service"/> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 TimerService API"/> <tag>commonj</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-03000 <rule id="commonj-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="commonj.timers.Timer"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <hint effort="7" severity="mandatory" title="Migrate commonj.timers.Timer to Java EE javax.ejb.Timer"> <message> Commonj Timer Interface is similar to the EJB 3.1 javax.ejb.Timer Interface. </message> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 Tutorial - Using the Timer Service"/> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 TimerService API"/> <tag>commonj</tag> </hint> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-04000 <rule id="commonj-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{*}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="Commonj WorkManager API"> <link href="" title="Replacement for JSR-236 (Timer Manager) and JSR-237 (Work Manager) in JBoss EAP"/> <link href="" title="Java EE 6 documentation for package"/> <link href="" title="IronJacamar* API"/> <tag>commonj</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-05000 <rule id="commonj-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references=""> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="7" severity="mandatory" title="Replace CommonJ WorkManager with a JCA Resource Adapter"> <message>The CommonJ WorkManager can be replaced with a JCA Resource Adapter.</message> <link href="" title="Ironjacamar WorkManager SPI"/> <tag>commonj</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-06000 <rule id="commonj-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{part}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="Commonj WorkManager API"> <message>Replace{part} with{part}.</message> <tag>commonj</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="part"> <matches pattern="(Event|Item|Listener)?"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
commonj-07000 <rule id="commonj-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{subpart}Exception"> <location>THROW_STATEMENT</location> <location>THROWS_METHOD_DECLARATION</location> <location>CATCH_EXCEPTION_STATEMENT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="CommonJ WorkManager API Exception"> <message>Replace CommonJ Work related Exception with a{subpart}Exception subclass.</message> <tag>commonj</tag> </hint> </perform> <where param="subpart"> <matches pattern="(Completed|Rejected)?"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-jrun-01000 <rule id="xml-jrun-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <xmlfile matches="/jrun-web-app"/> <xmlfile public-id="Macromedia, Inc.//DTD jrun-web 1.."/> <xmlfile public-id="Adobe, Inc.//DTD jrun-web 1.."/> </or> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JRun Web App descriptor"> <description> JRun web descriptor is a file that is by convention named jrun-web. It is JRun specific configuration file used to configure JRun server. This file is not supported in JBoss EAP 6 and needs to be migrated to web.xml or JBoss-specific jboss-web.xml</description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP web descriptor"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>jrun</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
xml-jrun-02000 <rule id="xml-jrun-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <or> <xmlfile as="default" matches="/*[local-name()='jrun-ejb-jar']"/> <xmlfile as="default" public-id="Macromedia, Inc.//DTD jrun-ejb-jar ..."/> </or> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JRun ejb-jar configuration"> <description> JRun ejb configuration file used to configure EJBs, map them to jndi names etc.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss-ejb3.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>jrun</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
jrun-catchall-00000 <rule id="jrun-catchall-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="jrun.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="potential" title="JRun"> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>jrun</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jrun-catchall-00001 <rule id="jrun-catchall-00001" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="jrunx.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="potential" title="JRunX"> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>jrun</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
xml-jonas-01000 <rule id="xml-jonas-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="default" public-id=".+JOnAS Web App.+"> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <iteration> <classification effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JOnAS Web Descriptor"> <description> JOnAS web descriptor is a file that is by convention named jonas-web.xml. It is JOnAS specific configuration file used to map JNDI name to bean reference name, bind virtual host address, specify root url for binding the application etc. This file is not supported in JBoss EAP 6 and needs to be migrated to web.xml or JBoss-specific jboss-web.xml.</description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP web descriptor"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>jonas</tag> </classification> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
eap4-eap6-25000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-25000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="{*}-ds.xml" matches="/datasources/local-tx-datasource/connection-url[contains(text(),'jdbc:postgres')]"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="PostgreSQL JDBC URL"> <message> This is a JDBC URL, which describes the basic information about where and how to connect to the database. This particular URL points to a PostgreSQL database. In EAP 6, the databases are configured in these steps: 1. Add the JDBC driver as an EAP 6 module. Download it [here]( 2. Create a datasource (actual values need to be changed): ``` $ EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli --connect [standalone@localhost:9999 /] data-source add --name=ExampleDS --jndi-name=java:/ExampleDS \\ --connection-url=... --driver-name=postgresql \\ --user-name=... --password=... ``` 3. Use the datasource according to JPA 2.0 standards. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration: Update the DataSource Configuration"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Datasource Configuration"/> <tag>datasource</tag> <tag>postgresql</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-26000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-26000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="{*}-ds.xml" matches="/datasources/local-tx-datasource/connection-url[contains(text(),'jdbc:oracle')]"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="Oracle Database JDBC URL"> <message> This is a JDBC URL, which describes the basic information about where and how to connect to the database. This particular URL points to an Oracle Database. In EAP 6, the databases are configured in these steps: 1. Add the JDBC driver as an EAP 6 module. Download it [here]( 2. Create a datasource (actual values need to be changed): ``` $ EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli --connect [standalone@localhost:9999 /] data-source add --name=ExampleDS --jndi-name=java:/ExampleDS \\ --connection-url=... --driver-name=oracle \\ --user-name=... --password=... ``` 3. Use the datasource according to JPA 2.0 standards. ``` @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; ``` </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Datasource Configuration"/> <tag>datasource</tag> <tag>oracle</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-27000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-27000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="{*}-ds.xml" matches="/datasources/local-tx-datasource/connection-url[contains(text(),'jdbc:sqlserver')]"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="Microsoft SQL Server JDBC URL"> <message> This is a JDBC URL, which describes the basic information about where and how to connect to the database. This particular URL points to an Microsoft SQL Server. In EAP 6, the databases are configured in these steps: 1. Add the JDBC driver as an EAP 6 module. Download it [here]( 2. Create a datasource (actual values need to be changed): ``` $ EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli --connect [standalone@localhost:9999 /] data-source add --name=ExampleDS --jndi-name=java:/ExampleDS \\ --connection-url=... --driver-name=mssql \\ --user-name=... --password=... ``` 3. Use the datasource according to JPA 2.0 standards. ``` @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; ``` </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Datasource Configuration"/> <tag>datasource</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-28000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-28000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@port"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector port"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector port="..."/>` attribute specifies the port on which JBoss Web listens for requests. In JBoss EAP 6, set the port number using JBoss CLI or a web console: ``` :read-children-names(child-type=interface) /subsystem=web/connector=http/:read-resource ## Notice the "socket-binding" => "http" /socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=http/:read-resource ## Now set the HTTP port to what you need. /socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=http/:write-attribute(name=port, value=80) ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="EAP 6 Socket Binding Groups"/> <link href="" title="AS 7 Interfaces and ports"/> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>port</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-29000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-29000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@protocol"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector protocol"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector protocol="..."/>` attribute specifies the protocol of the particular JBoss Web connector. In JBoss EAP 6, set the protocol using JBoss CLI or a web console: ``` :read-children-names(child-type=interface) /subsystem=web/connector=http/:read-resource /subsystem=web/connector=http/:write-attribute(name=protocol, value=HTTP/1.1) ## To enable NIO protocol: /subsystem=web/connector=http/:write-attribute(name=protocol, value=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol) ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Setup a thread pool for an HTTP Connector"/> <tag>protocol</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-30000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-30000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@maxThreads"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector - maximal number of threads"> <!-- TODO: sgilda will change this to a public article: --> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector maxThreads="..."/>` attribute specifies the maximum number of JBoss Web Connector threads. In JBoss EAP 6, the [connections do not map 1:1 to threads](, thanks to use of `javax.nio`. There can be more connection served by less threads. You can set the maximum number of connections using JBoss CLI or a web console: ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http/:write-attribute(name=max-connections, value=200) ``` The default is 512 per CPU core. You can limit the number of threads using JBoss CLI or a web console: ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http/:read-resource ## Define a thread factory /subsystem=threads/thread-factory=http-connector-factory:add(thread-name-pattern="HTTP-%t", priority="9", group-name="uq-thread-pool") ## Create an executor /subsystem=threads/unbounded-queue-thread-pool=uq-thread-pool:add(thread-factory="http-connector-factory", keepalive-time=\{time=30, unit="seconds"}, max-threads=30) ## Make the HTTP web connector use this thread pool /subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=executor, value="uq-thread-pool") ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Setup a thread pool for an HTTP Connector"/> <link href="" title="Define Thread Pools for HTTP Connector in JBoss EAP 6"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-31000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-31000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@connectionTimeout"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector connection timeout"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector connectionTimeout="..."/>` attribute specifies the connection timeout of the particular JBoss Web connector. In JBoss EAP 6, set the connection timeout using a system property: ``` /system-property=org.apache.coyote.ajp.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT/:add(value=600000) /system-property=org.apache.coyote.http11.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT/:add(value=120000) ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Map HTTP/HTTPS/AJP Connector Attributes"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-32000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-32000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@emptySessionPath"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web HTTP connector - empty path of the session cookie"> <message> <![CDATA[ JBoss Web's `emptySessionPath` option sets the path of a session cookie to '/'. In JBoss EAP 6, the path is set in a web framework, or in `web.xml`: ```xml <session-config> <cookie-config> <path>/</path> <http-only>true</http-only> <secure/> </cookie-config> <tracking-mode>COOKIE</tracking-mode> </session-config> ``` Not to be confused with Undertow's `path` which sets the session files storage path. ]]> </message> <!-- TODO: Missing from --> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Web Subsystem"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-33000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-33000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@enableLookups"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector DNS lookups"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector enableLookups="..."/>` attribute enables DNS lookup through `request.getRemoteHost()`. Define this setting using JBoss CLI or the web console. ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=enable-lookups, value=true) ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Map HTTP/HTTPS/AJP Connector Attributes"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Web Subsystem"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-34000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-34000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@redirectPort"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web HTTP connector port for redirections"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector redirectPort="..."/>` attribute specifies a port number to be used in cases of redirection; the common ones being redirection to secure (HTTPS) or AJP connector. Define this setting using JBoss CLI or the web console. ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=redirect-port, value=8433) ``` ]]> </message> <link href="" title="Map HTTP/HTTPS/AJP Connector Attributes"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-35000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-35000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector/@scheme"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web connector scheme"> <message> <![CDATA[ The `<Connector scheme="..."/>` attribute specifies the web connector scheme, such as HTTP or HTTPS. Define this setting using JBoss CLI or the web console. ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=scheme, value=http) ``` ]]> </message> <!-- TODO: Missing from --> <link href="" title="Map HTTP/HTTPS/AJP Connector Attributes"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-36000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-36000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Connector[@secure='true']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web HTTP connector - the secure option"> <message> The `secure` option tells the browser (or other HTTP clients) to only send the cookie over SSL connections. This means the cookie will not be available to any part of the site that is not secure. If you serve both protocols, the non-secure http connection will then use URL re-writing with the long ";jsessionid=XXXXXXX" appended to every URL. You should set this to true ONLY if you are only serving https content, for mixed content this setting in NOT recomended. Define this setting using JBoss CLI or the web console. ``` /subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=secure, value=true) ``` </message> <link href="" title="Map HTTP/HTTPS/AJP Connector Attributes"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-37000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-37000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="server.xml" matches="/Server/Service/Engine/@jvmRoute"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Web HTTP - jvmRoute"> <message> In JBoss Web, the `jvmRoute` attribute of the Engine element allows the load balancer to match requests to the JVM currently responsible for updating the relevant session. It does this by appending the name of the JVM to the `JSESSIONID` of the request, and matching this against the worker name provided in `workers.properites`. In JBoss EAP 6, the `jvmRoute` is set to the same value as the server name. If you need to customize it, you can use a command like the following. Replace or remove the `/profile=ha portion` of the command, depending on which profile you use or whether you use a standalone server. Replace the string `CUSTOM_ROUTE_NAME` with your custom jvmRoute name. ``` /profile=ha/subsystem=web:write-attribute(name="instance-id", value="CUSTOM_ROUTE_NAME") ``` The default can be overriden by setting the `jvmRoute` system property. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 HTTP Clustering and Load Balancing"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 System properties"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-38000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-38000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="/jboss/container-configurations/container-configuration[@extends='Standard Stateless SessionBean']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP 4 EJB container configuration"> <message> JBoss EAP 4 and 5 allows overriding the container settings in `jboss.xml` files. Extending `"Standard Stateless SessionBean"` allows configuring the instance pool. Bean-specific instance pool can be set with one line in JBoss EAP 6 management CLI. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide: Replace the jboss.xml File"/> <link href="" title="Assign Bean Pools for Session and Message-Driven Beans"/> <link href="" title="jboss.xml DTD"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: Container configuration information"/> <tag>http</tag> <tag>web</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-39000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-39000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="/jboss/container-configurations/container-configuration[@extends='Clustered Stateless SessionBean']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP 4 EJB container configuration"> <message> JBoss EAP 4 allows overriding the container settings in `jboss.xml` files. Extending `"Clustered Stateless SessionBean"` allows configuring the instance pool. Bean-specific instance pool can be set with one line in JBoss EAP 6 management CLI. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide: Replace the jboss.xml File"/> <link href="" title="Assign Bean Pools for Session and Message-Driven Beans"/> <link href="" title="jboss.xml DTD"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: Container configuration information"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>pool</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-40000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-40000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="/jboss/container-configurations/container-configuration[@extends='Standard Message Driven Bean']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP 4 EJB container configuration"> <message> JBoss EAP 4 and 5 allows overriding the container settings in `jboss.xml` files. Extending `"Standard Message Driven Bean"` allows configuring the instance pool. MDB's bean-specific instance pool can be set with one line in JBoss EAP 6 management CLI. Use the `bean-instance-pool-ref` CLI node of the respective configuration part. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide: Replace the jboss.xml File"/> <link href="" title="Assign Bean Pools for Session and Message-Driven Beans"/> <link href="" title="jboss.xml DTD"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: Container configuration information"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>pool</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-41000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-41000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="/jboss/container-configurations/container-configuration[@extends='Singleton Message Driven Bean']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP 4 EJB container configuration"> <message> JBoss EAP 4 and 5 allows overriding the container settings in `jboss.xml` files. Extending `"Singleton Message Driven Bean"` allows configuring the instance pool. Singleton Message Driven Bean's bean-specific bean-specific instance pool can be set with one line in JBoss EAP 6 management CLI. Use the `bean-instance-pool-ref` CLI node of the respective configuration part. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide: Replace the jboss.xml File"/> <link href="" title="Assign Bean Pools for Session and Message-Driven Beans"/> <link href="" title="jboss.xml DTD"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: Container configuration information"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>pool</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
eap4-eap6-42000 <rule id="eap4-eap6-42000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="/jboss/container-configurations/container-configuration[@extends='Standard Message Inflow Driven Bean']"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP 4 EJB container configuration"> <message> JBoss EAP 4 and 5 allows overriding the container settings in `jboss.xml` files. Extending `"Standard Message Inflow Driven Bean"` allows configuring the instance pool. Standard Message Inflow Driven Bean's bean-specific bean-specific instance pool can be set with one line in JBoss EAP 6 management CLI. Use the `bean-instance-pool-ref` CLI node of the respective configuration part. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide: Replace the jboss.xml File"/> <link href="" title="Assign Bean Pools for Session and Message-Driven Beans"/> <link href="" title="jboss.xml DTD"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: Container configuration information"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>pool</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
log4j-01000 <rule id="log4j-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <project> <artifact artifactId="log4j" groupId="log4j"/> </project> </when> <perform> <lineitem message="Deploying log4j.jar can result in non-deterministic ClassLoading issues. It is recommended to use the built-in JBoss EAP Log4j module configured via `jboss-deployment-structure.xml`"/> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 4
Edges Created: 4
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
log4j-02000 <rule id="log4j-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <filecontent filename="log4j.xml" pattern="{*}"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" title="Log4j Configuration"> <link href="" title="How to configure Log4J in EAP6"/> <link href="" title="How to separate Log4J application logging from the 'server.log' in JBoss EAP 6"/> <link href="" title="Use my own 'log4j.xml' with EAP 6.1"/> <link href="" title="EAP 6 deadlocks on a ConsoleHandler and"/> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
log4j-03000 <rule id="log4j-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <filecontent filename="log4j.{suffix}" pattern="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="optional" title="Log4j ConsoleAppender Configuration - Potential Deadlock"> <message> Using ConsoleAppender configured in log4j.{suffix} can cause a deadlock on JBoss EAP 6. It is recommended to Remove application level log4j ConsoleAppenders.</message> <link href="" title="EAP 6 deadlocks when using ConsoleHandler and"/> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
jboss-eap5-xml-01000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//mbean[@code='org.jboss.cache.TreeCache']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="JBoss Cache"> <description> JBoss Cache TreeCache is a distributed tree-like structure that is replicated across several members. Updates will be multicast to all group members reliably and in the same order. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss Cache documentation"/> <tag>cache</tag> <tag>distributed</tag> <tag>cluster</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-02000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile public-id=".*JBoss.+DTD Java EE.+5.*"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss 5.x EAR Descriptor"> <description> A JBoss specific EAR descriptor allows extensions to Java EE EAR archives configuration. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss DTD's"/> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-03000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/classloading"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" title="JBoss Classloading configuration, typically in jboss-classloading.xml."> <description> JBoss EAP 5 allows detailed classloading configuration. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 5 Classloading"/> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-04000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/jbc:classloading"> <namespace prefix="jbc" uri="urn:jboss:classloading:1.0"/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss EAP 5 Classloading Configuration"> <description> JBoss EAP 5 allows detailed classloading configuration. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 5 Classloading documentation"/> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-05000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/sc:components"> <namespace prefix="sc" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss Seam Components"> <description> Allows to configure a Seam component using XML: to isolate deployment-specific information from the Java code, to enable the creation of re-usable frameworks, to configure Seam's built-in functionality, etc. Seam provides two basic approaches to configuring components: configuration via property settings in a properties file or in `web.xml`, and configuration via `components.xml`. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss Seam documentation - Configuring Seam components"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-06000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="/sp:pages"> <namespace prefix="sp" uri=""/> </xmlfile> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss Seam Pages"> <description> The `pages.xml` file specifies the page flow and other configuration of the Seam Framework. </description> <link href="" title="Seam Framework Reference"/> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-07000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="{*}.page.xml" matches="/page"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="JBoss Seam Page"> <tag>seam</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-08000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-app.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='jboss-app']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" title="JBoss EAR Configuration"> <description> The `jboss-app.xml` file configures a Java EE application deployments specifically for JBoss EAP. </description> <!--<link href="" title=""> TODO: ESSC-25 --> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>deployment</tag> <tag>descriptor</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-09000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-09000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-web.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='jboss-web']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" title="JBoss Web Application Descriptor"> <description> The `jboss-web.xml` file configures a Java EE web application specifically for JBoss EAP. It is an extension to standard `web.xml`. </description> <tag>web</tag> <tag>configuration</tag> <tag>deployment</tag> <tag>descriptor</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-10000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-10000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-classloading.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='classloading']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="JBoss 5 Classloader Configuration"> <description> The `jboss-classloading.xml` file allows customization of classloading in JBoss EAP 5. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 5 Classloading documentation"/> <tag>classloading</tag> </classification> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss 5 Classloader Configuration"> <message> In EAP 6, the classloading configuration is not done through `jboss-classloading.xml`. Since EAP 6 it is of modular nature, based on JBoss Modules. Learn how to divide your application's dependencies into modules and what dependencies and APIs are available automatically. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6 Class Loading and Modules"/> <tag>classloading</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-11000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-11000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-deployment-structure.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='jboss-deployment-structure']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="1" title="JBoss Module and Classloading Configuration (since AS 7 / EAP 6)"> <description> The `jboss-deployment-structure.xml` file allows the creator of the deployment to control the dependencies and classloading of deployments. </description> <!-- TODO: There's no such page for EAP 5. --> <link href="" title="Class Loading and Modules"/> <tag>classloading</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-12000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-12000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jbosscmp-jdbc.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='jbosscmp-jdbc']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss EJB 2 CMP Deployment Descriptor"> <description> The `jbosscmp-jdbc.xml` is a deployment decriptor controlling the Container Managed Persistence. </description> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 4: The jbosscmp-jdbc Structure"/> <tag>jdbc</tag> <tag>ejb2</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-13000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-13000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='jboss']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss EJB Deployment Descriptor (prior to AS 7 / EAP 6)"> <description> The `jboss.xml` descriptor in deployments is ignored by JBoss AS 7+ or JBoss EAP 6+. Replace it with `jboss-ejb3.xml`. </description> <link href="" title="jboss.xml Deployment Descriptor"/> <tag>descriptor</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-14000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-14000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//*[local-name()='security-domain' and starts-with(text(), 'java:/jaas/')]"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss EAP security-domain configuration - java:/jaas/"> <message> `java:/jaas/` is a JBoss EAP `security-domain` URI. Remove the `java:/jaas/` prefix for `security-domain` elements in AS 7 / EAP 6. </message> <link href="" title="Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Reference Guide"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>jaas</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-16000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-16000" xmlns=""> <when> <!-- TODO: This should generate CLI script. --> <xmlfile in="login-config.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='policy']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" title="JBoss Security Configuration Descriptor (prior to AS 7 / EAP 6)"> <link href="" title="JBoss Login Modules"/> <tag>security</tag> </classification> <hint effort="5" severity="mandatory" title="JBoss Security Configuration Descriptor (prior to AS 7 / EAP 6)"> <message> When migrating to JBoss AS 7 or JBoss EAP 6+, the `login-config.xml` descriptor is no longer supported. Security is now configured in the `security-domain` element inside the server configuration. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EAP 6.4 - How To Configure Server Security"/> <tag>security</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-17000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-17000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-ejb3.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='ejb-jar']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss EJB 3 Deployment Descriptor (JBoss AS 7 / JBoss EAP 6 and later)"> <description> A JBoss specific EJB 3 configuration allows extensions of Java EE EJB 3. </description> <link href="" title="jboss-ejb3.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference"/> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-18000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-18000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile in="jboss-webservices.xml" matches="//*[local-name()='webservices']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss Webservices Deployment Descriptor (JBoss AS 7 / JBoss EAP 6 and later)"> <description> JBossWS 4.0 introduces a new deployment descriptor to configure web services. The `jboss-webservices.xml` file provides additional information for the given deployment and partially replaces the obsolete `jboss.xml` file. For EJB webservice deployments, the expected location of the `jboss-webservices.xml` descriptor file is in the `META-INF/` directory. For POJO and EJB webservice endpoints bundled in WAR file, the expected location of the `jboss-webservices.xml` file is in the `WEB-INF/` directory. </description> <link href="" title="jboss-webservices.xml Deployment Descriptor"/> <tag>jboss-ws</tag> <tag>descriptor</tag> <tag>webservice</tag> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-19000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-19000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile as="jboss-app" matches="/jboss-app"/> <xmlfile as="jboss-app-no-DTD" matches="/jboss-app" public-id=""/> </when> <perform> <iteration over="jboss-app"> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss application Descriptor"> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="jboss-app-no-DTD"> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss application descriptor with missing DTD"> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> </iteration> <iteration over="jboss-app-no-DTD"> <xslt extension="-jboss5.xml" template="resources/jboss-app-to-jboss5.xsl" title="JBoss application descriptor - JBoss 5 (Windup-generated)"/> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-xml-20000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-xml-20000" xmlns=""> <when> <xmlfile matches="//server/mbean[@code='']"/> </when> <perform> <classification effort="5" title="JBoss EAP 4 JMS configuration"> <tag>jboss-eap5</tag> </classification> <xslt extension="-jboss5.xml" template="resources/jboss4-mq-to-jboss5.xsl" title="Queue Destinations Service (Windup-generated)"/> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
jboss-eap5-java-01000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Management"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <classification effort="3" title="JBoss EAP 5 JMX ManagementBean"> <tag>jmx</tag> </classification> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-java-02000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory"> <location>FIELD_DECLARATION</location> <location>VARIABLE_DECLARATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory"> <message>`QueueConnectionFactory` was used to obtain connection to JMS queues. Replace the lookup string `QueueConnectionFactory` with `ConnectionFactory`. </message> <tag>jms</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 3
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
jboss-eap5-java-04000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Service"> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Service"> <message> The `@Service` annotation is one of JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions which creates a singleton EJB. Use the new `org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Service` instead. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 Javadoc"/> <tag>ejb</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-java-05000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Management"> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Management"> <message> The `@Management` annotation is one of JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions which wraps the the bean as an MBean and install it in the JBoss MBean Server. Use the new `org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Management` instead. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 Javadoc"/> <tag>ejb</tag> <tag>jmx</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-java-06000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.LocalBinding"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.LocalBinding"> <message> The `@LocalBinding` annotation is one of JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions which specifies the local jndi binding for an EJB local interface. Migrate to `org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.LocalBinding`. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 Javadoc"/> <tag>ejb</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
jboss-eap5-java-07000 <rule id="jboss-eap5-java-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Depends"> <location>ANNOTATION</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <hint effort="3" severity="mandatory" title="org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Depends"> <message> The `@Depends` annotation is one of JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions which specifies a deployment dependency for a bean. Validate that a JBoss EAP 6 Dependency exists. </message> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 extensions"/> <link href="" title="JBoss EJB 3.0 Javadoc"/> <tag>ejb</tag> </hint> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
jsp-01000 <rule id="jsp-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <filecontent filename="{*}.jsp" pattern="import={emptyString}"/> </when> <perform> <hint effort="1" severity="mandatory" title="Empty import definition in a JSP"> <message> Empty import definition in .jsp or .jspf files would fail in compilation time and needs to be removed. </message> </hint> </perform> <where param="emptyString"> <matches pattern="(&quot;&quot;|'')"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
TattletaleRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.tattletale .TattletaleRuleProvider$TattletaleOperation@43bc8030 ) withId("TattletaleRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverStaticIPAddressRuleProvider addRule() .when(FileContent.from(null).matches({ip}).inFilesNamed({*}.{type}).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverStaticIPAddressRuleProvider")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Generate jboss-web.xml

Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Generate jboss-web.xml_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.WebXmlModel).as(default) ) .perform(Generate jboss-web.xml ) withId("Generate jboss-web.xml_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverRmiRuleProvider_RMIInheritanceRule addRule() .when(JavaClass.references(java.rmi.Remote).at([IMPORT]).as(rmiInheritance) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(rmiInheritance_instance).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("DiscoverRmiRuleProvider_RMIInheritanceRule")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Generate jboss-ejb3.xml

Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Generate jboss-ejb3.xml_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model .EjbDeploymentDescriptorModel).as(default) ) .perform(Generate jboss-ejb3.xml ) withId("Generate jboss-ejb3.xml_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: MigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ValidateXmlFilesRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(org.jboss.windup.rules.files.condition.ProcessingIsOnlineGraphCondition@76128ab5 .and(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.xml.model.XmlFileModel) .as(default)) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ValidateAndRegisterClassification with var 'null') ) withId("ValidateXmlFilesRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Phase: PostMigrationRulesPhase


Phase: PostMigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
weblogic-catchall-01000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-01000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.bea{subpackage}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Proprietary type reference found"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`com.bea{subpackage}.{type}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(\..*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-02000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-02000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{subpackage}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Proprietary type reference found"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`{subpackage}.{type}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(\..*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-03000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-03000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.tangosol{subpackage}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Proprietary type reference found"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`com.tangosol{subpackage}.{type}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(\..*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-04000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-04000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.weblogic{subpackage}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Proprietary type reference found"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`com.weblogic{subpackage}.{type}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(\..*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-05000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-05000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="bea.{remainder}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Oracle proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`bea.{remainder}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="remainder"> <matches pattern=".*"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-06000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-06000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.{remainder}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Oracle proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`oracle.{remainder}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="remainder"> <matches pattern=".*"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-07000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-07000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="oracle.sql.{remainder}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Oracle proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`oracle.sql.{remainder}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="remainder"> <matches pattern=".*"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
weblogic-catchall-08000 <rule id="weblogic-catchall-08000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="weblogic.{remainder}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Oracle proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an Oracle proprietary type (`weblogic.{remainder}`) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="remainder"> <matches pattern=".*"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 33
Edges Created: 96
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostMigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
generic-catchall-00000 <rule id="generic-catchall-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{domain}.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.{*}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification severity="potential" title="Doug Lea Concurrency util"> <tag>catchall</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Doug Lea Concurrency type reference"> <message> This is an old Doug Lea Concurrency util type and needs to be migrated to a compatible java.util.concurrent API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="domain"> <matches pattern="(edu|EDU)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00001 <rule id="generic-catchall-00001" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{*}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="backport-util-concurrent type reference"> <message> This type is the backport of java.util.concurrent API, introduced in Java 5.0 and further refined in Java 6.0, to older Java platforms. You should use java.util.concurrent API instead. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00002 <rule id="generic-catchall-00002" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.mule.{package-remainder}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification severity="optional" title="Mule API"> <tag>catchall</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Mule API org.mule.{package-remainder}.{type} reference"> <message>Mule API org.mule.{package-remainder}.{type} was used. You should convert these types to Apache Camel. </message> <link href="" title="Apache Camel"/> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>mule</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="(.*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00003 <rule id="generic-catchall-00003" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="mx4j.{package-remainder}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="MX4J"> <tag>catchall</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="MX4J type reference"> <message>MX4J mx4j.{package-remainder}.{type} reference was used.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>mx4j</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="(.*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00100 <rule id="generic-catchall-00100" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache Tuscany"> <tag>catchall</tag> </classification> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="Apache Tuscany type reference"> <message>Apache Tuscany{type} reference was used.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>soa</tag> <tag>apache-tuscany</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00200 <rule id="generic-catchall-00200" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="amx_.{*}"> <location>IMPORT</location> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="Tibco ActiveMatrix Stub"> <message>Tibco ActiveMatrix Stub; regenerate the SOAP Client for the class</message> <tag>tibco</tag> <tag>soa</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00300 <rule id="generic-catchall-00300" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.tibco.{package-remainder}.{type}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Tibco"/> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="Tibco type reference"> <message>Tibco com.tibco.{package-remainder}.{type} reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>tibco</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="(.*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00400 <rule id="generic-catchall-00400" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.crystaldecisions.{package-remainder}.{type}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="SAP CrystalReports"/> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="SAP CrystalReports type reference"> <message>SAP CrystalReports com.crystaldecisions.{package-remainder}.{type} reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>sap</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="(.*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00500 <rule id="generic-catchall-00500" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="com.iona.{package-remainder}.{type}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="IONA"/> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="IONA type reference"> <message>IONA com.iona.{package-remainder}.{type} reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>iona</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="(.*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00600 <rule id="generic-catchall-00600" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.apache.{subpackage}.{*}"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache org.apache.{subpackage} API"/> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="Apache org.apache.{subpackage} type reference"> <message>Apache org.apache.{subpackage} API reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>apache</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(activeio|activemq)"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00700 <rule id="generic-catchall-00700" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="org.{subpackage}.{package-remainder}{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <classification effort="0" severity="optional" title="JBoss API"/> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="org.{subpackage}.{package-remainder}{type} reference"> <message>org.{subpackage}.{package-remainder}{type} reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>jboss</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern="(jboss|jbpm)"/> </where> <where param="package-remainder"> <matches pattern="([a-z]+\.)*"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.()]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
generic-catchall-00900 <rule id="generic-catchall-00900" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="java.sql.DriverManager"> </javaclass> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="optional" title="java.sql.DriverManager type reference"> <message>java.sql.DriverManager type reference found. No specific details available.</message> <tag>catchall</tag> <tag>jdbc</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: PostMigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
websphere-catchall-00000 <rule id="websphere-catchall-00000" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="{package}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="IBM proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an IBM proprietary type ({package}.{type}) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="package"> <matches pattern="(com\.)?(websphere|ibm)(\..*)?"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
websphere-catchall-00001 <rule id="websphere-catchall-00001" xmlns=""> <when> <javaclass references="ilog.{subpackage}.{type}"/> </when> <perform> <iteration> <when> <not> <has-hint/> </not> </when> <perform> <hint effort="0" severity="potential" title="IBM ILog proprietary type reference"> <message> This is an IBM ILog proprietary type (ilog.{subpackage}.{type}) and needs to be migrated to a compatible API. There is currently no detailed information about this type. </message> <tag>catchall</tag> </hint> </perform> </iteration> </perform> <where param="subpackage"> <matches pattern=".*"/> </where> <where param="type"> <matches pattern="[^.]+"/> </where> </rule>
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: DependentPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
FindUnboundJavaReferencesRuleProvider addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .WindupJavaConfigurationModel).gremlin() .has(classNotFoundAnalysisEnabled,EQUALS,true).as(default) ) .perform( .FindUnboundJavaReferencesRuleProvider$AttachHintOperation@1fa3fc00 ) withId("FindUnboundJavaReferencesRuleProvider")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostMigrationRulesPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DiscoverRemoteEjbRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.EjbSessionBeanModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(Mark EJB Remote Class Files) ) withId("DiscoverRemoteEjbRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 6
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: PreReportGenerationPhase

Resolve Links to Server Documentation

Phase: PreReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Resolve Links to Server Documentation_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.JNDIResourceModel) .as(default).or(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model .ThreadPoolModel).as(default)) ) .perform(ResolveServerResourceLinksRule ) withId("Resolve Links to Server Documentation_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 1
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PreReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateApplicationReportIndexRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(AddApplicationReportIndex) ) withId("CreateApplicationReportIndexRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 11
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PreReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
RenderTagsJavaScriptRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.rendering .RenderTagsJavaScriptRuleProvider$1@ca66a1 ) withId("RenderTagsJavaScriptRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateUnparsableFilesReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(And.all(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(wc), Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ProjectModel) .as(projects)) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(wc_instance).perform(addReport) ) withId("CreateUnparsableFilesReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 1
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateAboutWindupReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(CreateAboutWindupReport) ) withId("CreateAboutWindupReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateJavaApplicationOverviewReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(CreateJavaApplicationOverviewReport) ) withId("CreateJavaApplicationOverviewReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateJavaIgnoredFilesReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .WindupJavaConfigurationModel).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(CreateJavaApplicationOverviewReport) ) withId("CreateJavaIgnoredFilesReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 4
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateStaticIPAddressReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType( .as(default) ) .perform( .CreateStaticIPAddressReportRuleProvider$1@2750cb88 ) withId("CreateStaticIPAddressReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Create JAR Dependency Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create JAR Dependency Report_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel).as(default) ) .perform(CreateRemoteServiceReport ) withId("Create JAR Dependency Report_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 12
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateReportIndexRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform( .CreateReportIndexRuleProvider$1@45f5baf5 ) withId("CreateReportIndexRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 1
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Create Spring Bean Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create Spring Bean Report_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.SpringBeanModel) .as(default) ) .perform(CreateSpringBeanReport ) withId("Create Spring Bean Report_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Create JPA Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create JPA Report_1 addRule() .perform(CreateJPAReport ) withId("Create JPA Report_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Create JBPM Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create JBPM Report_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.Jbpm3ProcessModel) .as(default) ) .perform(CreateJBPM3Report ) withId("Create JBPM Report_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Create Remote Service Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create Remote Service Report_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model.RemoteServiceModel) .as(default) ) .perform(CreateRemoteServiceReport ) withId("Create Remote Service Report_1")
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 7
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Create Server Resources Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create Server Resources Report_1 addRule() .perform(CreateServerResourcesReport ) withId("Create Server Resources Report_1")
Vertices Created: 6
Edges Created: 9
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Create Hibernate Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create Hibernate Report_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.rules.apps.javaee.model .HibernateConfigurationFileModel).as(default).or(Query.fromType(org.jboss .windup .rules.apps.javaee.model.HibernateEntityModel).as(default)) ) .perform(CreateHibernateReport ) withId("Create Hibernate Report_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Create EJB Report

Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
Create EJB Report_1 addRule() .perform(CreateEJBReport ) withId("Create EJB Report_1")
Vertices Created: 5
Edges Created: 11
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateWindupFreeMarkerFunctionReport addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation .CreateFreeMarkerMethodReportRuleProvider$CreateMethodReport@45b60db7 ) withId("CreateWindupFreeMarkerFunctionReport")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ExportCSVFileRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupConfigurationModel).gremlin() .has(csv,EQUALS,true).as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(ExportCSVReportOperation with var 'null') ) withId("ExportCSVFileRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success


Phase: ReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateMigrationIssuesReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.generation .CreateMigrationIssuesReportRuleProvider$CreateMigrationIssueReportOperation@169a 94ce ) withId("CreateMigrationIssuesReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 1
Edges Created: 1
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: PostReportGenerationPhase


Phase: PostReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateApplicationListReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.rendering .CreateApplicationListReportRuleProvider$1@37b7011e ) withId("CreateApplicationListReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 2
Edges Created: 2
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateSourceReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.SourceFileModel) .gremlin()org.jboss.windup.reporting.query ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(AddSourceReport) ) withId("CreateSourceReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 53
Edges Created: 106
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostReportGenerationPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
AttachApplicationReportsToIndexRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.reporting.model.ApplicationReportModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform(AddToApplicationIndex) ) withId("AttachApplicationReportsToIndexRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 12
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success

Phase: ReportRenderingPhase


Phase: ReportRenderingPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CreateIssueSummaryDataRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform( .CreateIssueSummaryDataRuleProvider$1@5f7d270f ) withId("CreateIssueSummaryDataRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportRenderingPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
CssJsResourceRenderingRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(CopyCSSToOutput ) withId("CssJsResourceRenderingRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: ReportRenderingPhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
RenderReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.reporting.model.ReportModel).gremlin() .has(templateType,EQUALS,FREEMARKER).as(default) ) .perform(org.jboss.windup.reporting.rules.rendering .RenderReportRuleProvider$FreeMarkerThreadedRenderer@2a5342e2 ) withId("RenderReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success
RenderReportRuleProvider_2 addRule() .when(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.ReportResourceFileModel) .as(default) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).perform( with var 'null') ) withId("RenderReportRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success

Phase: PostReportRenderingPhase

Phase: FinalizePhase

Phase: PostFinalizePhase


Phase: PostFinalizePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
DeleteWorkDirsAtTheEndRuleProvider_1 addRule() .when(And.all(Not.any(Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model .WindupConfigurationModel).gremlin().has(keepWorkDirs,EQUALS,true) .as(discard)), Query.fromType(org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ArchiveModel) .gremlin().outAndBack(unzippedDirectory).as(archives)) ) .perform(Iteration.over(?).as(archives_instance).perform(Perform .all(DeleteWorkDirsOperation, IterationProgress{msg=Deleted archive unzip directo ry, int=1, est=true})) ) withId("DeleteWorkDirsAtTheEndRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success
DeleteWorkDirsAtTheEndRuleProvider_2 addRule() .perform(Delete archives directory if empty ) withId("DeleteWorkDirsAtTheEndRuleProvider_2")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostFinalizePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
ExecutionTimeReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(RenderRuleExecutionTimeReport ) withId("ExecutionTimeReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition met. success


Phase: PostFinalizePhase
Rule-ID Rule Statistics Status? Result? Failure Cause
RenderRuleProviderReportRuleProvider_1 addRule() .perform(FreeMarkerOperation[template=/reports/templates/ruleprovidersummary .ftl, output=windup_ruleproviders.html] ) withId("RenderRuleProviderReportRuleProvider_1")
Vertices Created: 0
Edges Created: 0
Vertices Removed: 0
Edges Removed: 0
Condition not met. success