Incidents by Category Incidents Total Story Points
Incidents by Category
Incidents and Story Points
Mandatory Incidents by Type Incidents Total Story Points
Mandatory Incidents by category
Mandatory Incidents and Story Points
Java Incidents by Package Incidents
Note: this does not include XML files and "possible" issues.
Java Incidents by Package
Additional Reports
Migration Issues The Migration Issues report provides a concise summary of all issues that require attention.
Application Details This provides a detailed overview of all resources found within the application that may need attention during the migration.
Unparsable This report shows all files that Windup could not parse in the expected format. For instance, a file with a .xml or .wsdl suffix is assumed to be an XML file. If the XML parser fails on it, you'll see that here. Besides that, the information about parsing failure is also present wherever the individual file is listed.
JAR Dependencies This report displays all JAR dependencies found within the application.
Remote Services This report displays all remote services references that were found within the application.
EJBs The EJB report contains a list of EJBs found within the application.
Server Resources This report displays all server resources (for example, JNDI resources) in the input application.
Tattletale This report contains the results of running Tattletale on the input application.
Ignored Files This report lists the files which were found in the application, but based on certain rules and the Windup configuration, both built-in and local, they were not processed. See the --userIgnorePath Windup option in Windup User Guide.
About This describes the current version of Windup and provides helpful links for further assistance.